2. Rabburn

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ID Number-002


Species-Rabbit Loomian

Gender-75% Male/25% Female

Description-So your Embit Finally evolved into Rabburn huh? Well you are in for a suprise,Rabburn are a serious Species of Loomians,they love to train their defence and would spend hours of doing so,along with improving their attacks,but they're not determined terminators,as they still love you as their trainer and would make sure that they can spend hours in between trainings with you,

Most of Rabburn's training consist of increasing their endurance,they will make sure that they can take a lot of hits,their defence is their pride and joy and will make sure that its stand out among other Rabburns,

When a Wild Embit finally evolves into a Rabburn,They will thank their Parents for their care and then venture on their own,they will fight agaisnt any Loomians,However they will not be interested if the Loomian is weak agaisnt it and will ignore it to find stronger Loomians to battle,

Don't be disheartened by your Loomian's sudden change in Personality and Appearance,it is still the Embit you once had,it just grew up to take more responsibilities,It still loves you and will be by your side until the day of rekoning has come,

Personality-Rabburn has given up its playful and cuddly attitude and taken on a much more Serious,Calm and Composed Demeanor,it wants to improve at everything it can and will train tirelessly on hours on end until its goals are reached,this may sound terrifying for its health but don't worry,when it finished its daily training,it will come and snuggle up with you,whenever you feel lonely or sad,it will gladly surrender its training time to comfort you,

As compossed as they are,They can become stressed and frustrated when they are unable to practice or overcome an obstacle in its path,these are fortunately temporary as a Rabburn's determination can almost overcome anything,

Even tho they seem to be placid on the outside,They internally still care deeply for their trainer,if you ever to become injuired,Rabburn will become extremely distraught,Especially if it because it failed to protect you,and if you were to say cruel words to it,they will become deeply emotionally wounded,and Rabburn's habit of concealing its true feelings,this result them in locking their pain away until they can't handle it anymore and collapse under the pressure,because of this,You need to encourage your Rabburn to express itself and release any potentionally pent-up feelings,

Lifespan-A Rabburn that fails to Evolve will normally live up to reach 60-70 years of age,however if its Trainer perish and the death is a result of Rabburn failing to protect its trainer,they are said to stay by their Trainer's grave,mourning the loss of their beloved companion and will refuse to eat or drink anything until they soon die themselves so they can join their trainer,isn't that sad?

Diet-Fruits and Berries are Still a big part of Rabburn's diet,however,they will avoid anything that are junk food,such as chips,but they will bregrudgingly eat it if their trainer gave it to them,Tho it is not advised to feed Rabburn Junk food,as it is heavily salted and are not good for their health,

How to bond-Rabburn will need its Alone time to concentrate and train to better itself,however,it will always appreciate you if you watch it and even so join it in its training,Having food prepared for it after a hard day of training or battling will reinforce the fact that you really care for it,Giving it encouragement and advice is another lovely way to bond with it,as it clearly show that you genuinely want it to improve,

In other words,Help Rabburn in its practicing and battling in anyway possible while showing love,affection and support all the way,it may sound daunting and tiresome,but it will pay off once they Evolve into Searknight,

Battling-Rabburn loves battling even more than when it is an Embit,as they want to see if they truely improved and if their training was working,it will look down at any weaker Loomians but it won't bully them,they are also very stubborn as they will not give up on a fight even if it is injuired,they will only flee if their trainer is in danger and will run away from the battle if it means to save you,

Rabburn will learn a new move once it evolves,Rapid fire,While weaker than singe,it will hit multiple times and if you're lucky,it may leave the opponent with a nasty burn,after some battling,It will learn Hop kick,A Brawler type move that can be useful in combating water types,and after more training it will learn fire slam,It move that deal great damage as it can also leave the opponent with a nasty burn,power focus is when Rabburn will stand still and focus its strenght,boosting its physical and range attacks,

Air types are still your main concern,as they are common and can outspeed Rabburn,so it is still advised to let other Loomians handle them,Water types still pose a threat to you so it is also advise to get other Loomians to fight it such as Geklow,

With other Loomians-Rabburn will treat any newcomers with suspicion and will closely watch them for the first week or so,Rabburn will consider itself as your bodyguard and will not treat any potential threat lightly,it will remove any suspicious Loomians by force if it feels too uncomfortable with them,but this will probably work in your favor,

Once it starts to trust another Loomian,it will slowly open up and join their daily lives,Rabburn will not take  kindly to anyone that disturbs its training tho and will dish out some punishments that it sees fit,if you go away for a while and came back to see all your Loomians behaving in a regimented fashion,you have your Rabburn to Thank,Or blame,

Your Rabburn will become angry or upset if it sees you loving another Loomian more than itself,But given its docile nature around you,it will never intervene but this can lead to a harboured resentment,so you must take note of who you spend time with and by how much,

Warnings-None,Rabburn will protect you from any threats and makes a perfect companion,it presents no threat to you,however if you get too close to it during its training it may accidentaly hit and injure you,the result of this on Rabburn's mind is catastrophic and it may never forgive itself,

Summary-Raising a Rabburn requires hardwork and patience,It will be tiresome and daunting,But it will soon pay off,As it will always be by your side and will disregard its own safety in order to protect you,and it will be more rewarding once it evolves,



And that is it for Rabburn,I do like the fact how the starters' face gets more serious as they evolve,I like that,Anyway,tune in for Searknight,I need more creative juices for the rest of the starters,anyway,see ya!

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