What is this feeling

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Nozels pov
As he held on to my waist I felt a feeling in my chest and didn't know what it is soon we arrived at the royals estate he got off and let go of my waist and the feeling was gone , I walked over to my room which is the second room to the top then I unlocked the door to see a letter on my bed I picked it up and started reading it ,it said

There's a banquet In the clover castle to celebrate the birthday of prince lumiere it is in four months therefore you must have a date see you there : time 7:00 pm

Yours , truly
Marx franciõs
Great now I have to find a date in three month's I sighed ..maybe I can search for one on clovergram I picked up my phone to realize iy was dead shoot I cursed I search the whole place for my charger i couldnt find it so i decided to borrow one from solid i walked over to his room and as i enter i saw him on his couch i borrowed the charger and he lended it to me thank you i said and left to charge my phone

Fuegoleons POV
I was on clovergram to search for a date for the banquet as I was strolling I saw that Silva boy I met this morning I scroll through all of his pic then I saw a pic of him with all of the Silva members except his father and acier I saw a girl with a bang and two ponytails I've never saw her before only two person I know that are related to then kirsch and mimosa I walked over to mimosa's room I knocked before entering I then found mimosa hello I greeted her hello lord fuegoleon she said I then ask her about the girl do you know this girl I asked then showed the picture of her she said oh that's the youngest child of house Silva Noelle Silva I thank her then walked away to my room

In the morning I worked up and get myself ready for the day I had nothing to do so I decide I was going to the capitol again when I reached I walked and walked only to see nozel and Noelle shopping nozel was carrying bag a lot of the he couldn't bring the all so he levitate then out of no where the needles run through causing him to fall

I screamed for help who could of done this I sooned saw a member of the vermilion family coming he then said duck I turn to saw more needles coming only to cast a protection spell

Water creation magic: sea dragons layer

It rose and as the needles touch it they disappeared I started to cry as I saw nozel loosing more and more soon a female out of nowhere entered and took nozel away I cried more and more to see them took my brother away like that I fell to my knees the the vermilion tell me not to worry he will find him I smiled and nodded

The end

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Stay safe

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