Warrior cat fanfic 2

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My vision began to return, it was moon-high. I was speech-less. I gave off a snarl at a small black cat. He stepped back, and it gave me a better look at his claws. they were reinforced with dogs teeth! I was disgusted. the one called brick picked me up, and then lied down, setting me between her front paws. Almost like I was her own kit. I had to exept, I had no other choice. After all, it made me feel much better to finaly have the warmth of a mother agian. I gave off a purr and I heard her giggle. "What is your game you stupid kit!?" I heard his voice, and I shivered. "Well, why should I tell you?" I growled, and his ears shot up. "I told you this kit was special." The same deep voice of the tom from earlier made me hiss agian. "How could this kit possibaly be special?" The black tom asked. "Think about it, I gave her a death blow and she's still alive! And don't you think other kits would have run away by now?" The tom, Bone, explained. The black cat showed me his claw, I guess he was testing me. He swiped his paw only a fur-length away from my head, "She didn't even flinch!" I heard a tabby tom say, he sounded like the evil tom my leader Firestar talked about. I felt the she-cat Brick pull me closer to her and she gave off a snarl. She was, protecting me. my vision was christal clear, and now I saw it. A dark, strong tabby, his muscals rippled under his pelt. He was walking toward Brick, he was about to claw her when I got territoryal agian. I pounced infront of the tabby tom and he was even larger than Bone! He narrowed his eyes and unleashed his foreclaws. He was clearly about to strike me. I took in a deep breath and puffed out my chest. I shut my eyes as tight as I could, and he struck. And missed. He blinked, suprised. "You're not going to stay here if you're going to attack kits." The small black tom commanded. "Well then, it's a good thing that's not what i'm here for. Isn't it?" The dark tom replied. A skinny grey tom walked up infront of the large tom, "Hello Scourge." "THAT'S Scourge?" The tom mocked. I walked up and sniffed the large tom, he seemed to put his head down and sniff me as well. He shot up. "Thunderclan." He gave me a sneer and walked towards Bone. "I need to see you're leader." He commanded. Scourge walked up to the large tom and narrowed his eyes. "What would you want with him you piece of fox-dung!" I spat. He looked at me, then back to Scourge, "I need you to do me a favor."

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