The suspicion

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* 2 weeks later they get into UA High*

Bakugou's pov:
Kirishima has been acting weird and I think people are starting to notice it too. Even the teachers have noticed. I begin to do that annoying thing deku does when he thinks and I scared everyone doing so. "I'm sure it's nothing, but he is my mate",I thought. Then without thinking I shot up and ran to his dorm.
Kiri's pov:
I woke up to the discomfort and pain of wanting to vomit. I jumped out of bed for what seemed like the 80th time in a week, ran to the bathroom and began to vomit again. The next thing i know I'm crouching over the toilet crying and vomiting, then I hear knocking. " Open up shitty hair!!", Bakugou yells. " Fuck!". I couldn't get up even if I wanted to. I try to stand but the urge to vomit rolled over my body again. I guess that's when Bakugou knew something was wrong because he bursted the door open and runs into the bathroom.
Bakugou's pov:
I got to his door and knocked on it. When he didn't answer, I was starting to get pretty nervous and upset. " Open up shitty hair!", I yelled, that's when I heard him. " Is he puking?!". I got worried, so I busted down the door and ran to the bathroom to see him throwing up. " Babe, HEY BREATHE GOD DAMN IT!" I don't know why but I just began to yell telling him to breathe. I grab a hair tie and put his hair in a ponytail and I begin to rub circles on his back.
Kiri's POV:
I can feel Bakugou's presence but I can't move. He then starts to yell at me telling me to breathe. Next thing I know I feel my hair being tied back and then circles being formed on my back. When I finally managed to turn around without vomiting he began to ask me what happened and why I was acting so strange. " WHY THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN ACTING WEIRD, HUH, YOU'RE MAKING EVERYONE WORRIED YOU'RE WORRYING ME THE MOST!", he yelled. I couldn't help but cry. I hugged him and cried in his shirt and in his neck. " I-I'm sorry but I've been feeling weird lately, I can't stop eating, I c-constantly have to pee, I have the urge to vomit every d-day and all day, and my mood swings are o-out of control.", I said crying in his shirt. He then began to rub my back and kept telling me " it's gonna be ok". He broke the hug and looked me in the eyes before kissing me.
Bakugou's POV:
I think I know what's wrong with Kirishima but I need to take him to a doctor to confirm it.

A/N: so yeah you probably already know what's wrong with Kirishima but what is going to happen after this whole fiasco also I need other ships in this story please put some in the comments bye bye now

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