Get In Loser, We're Going To Steal

Start from the beginning

"I laundered money!" She blurted out loud, cutting off JJ's speech and causing all of her friends to snap their heads to her. She looked around at their shocked faces and put her head down in her hands.

"What?" Kie stared daggers at Remi, extremely shocked by her friend.

"Oh hell, no. No, no, no. I can't loose my scholarship." Pope stood from the lawn chair he was in, pacing the length of the shed. "I'm friends with a felon." He worried, the realization that she was a felon setting into Remi. Pope glanced over to JJ, "Well, two felons, probably." He plopped back down in the chair, gripping the arms of it tightly.

"Pope, shut up." JJ waved his hand at the boy, turning back to the girl he still crouched in front of. "The motel money?" He spoke softly to her, catching everyone off guard. JJ was rarely quiet and calming. Remi nodded her head, lifting it off of her hands. She shifted in her seat, reaching into her back pocket and unfolding the foreclosure warning. Dropping it onto the top of the old coffee table, all of her friends took a look, their faces paling.

Kie reached out, taking the paper in her hands and looking down at it with a slack jaw. "Remi-" She reproached quietly. "You laundered stolen money?" She looked to her friend, taken aback by the girl's decision. Remi grew slightly angry at how condescending Kie was coming off.

"Don't act like you wouldn't do the same." Remi defended.

"I wouldn't have." Kie attested, the two girls glaring at one another. They didn't often argue, but when they did it was intense, no matter the fact that they always apologized after cooling off.

"Please don't pull the high and mighty shit right now. We almost lost the cottage." Remi begged, believing that friends call out other friends on their bullshit. While Kie was down to earth, the girl had an occasional tendency to unknowingly act as if she was above the rest of the pogues.

"Okay!" John B butted in as Kie's mouth opened to retaliate. "Look, Remi. You took that money on accident-" He began to help the girl not be so self-loathing about her actions.

"Yeah, if anything, it's my fault. Okay? I closed the door to that safe." JJ curled his hand into a fist, tapping it against the girl's knee. "But see? All the more reason to go to this wreck. " He started again, pushing against her knee to help him to his feet. JJ stood up, staring straight at John B. "You and me, man? We've got nothin' to lose! We really don't." He urged. Kie and Remi shared  glance of shared annoyance with their friend, seemingly moving past their little quarrel already. That was how it always went. The girls would argue then get over it like no time had passed.

"JJ." John B looked away from him, wanting the boy to stop.

"And I know that it didn't used to be this way for you." He continued, nonetheless.

"I don't wanna talk about this. I don't wanna talk about it." John B shrugged.

"So that's it?" JJ threw his hands in the air, obviously not letting them get out of this easily.

"Just get out of my way, bro." John B shoved past JJ, stepping out of the cover of the shed and into direct sunlight.

"John B, listen to me. I have a plan." The blond voiced after him, moving to follow the boy.

Slumping against the back of the couch as she spoke, Remi groaned, "Oh, God. He has a plan." Kie and Pope glanced to one another, also knowing that anytime JJ had a plan, it never worked out well.

"Look, you've got the key to Cameron's big boat, right?" He started.

"Oh, JJ" John B sighed as the boy threw an arm around his shoulders. Remi, Kie and Pope all listened along as JJ began to outline his plan.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2023 ⏰

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