"You think so? Cause I don't see the issue with that, I'm great when left alone with my thoughts." He doesn't bring attention to the slur in my words nor the fresh tears, simply snorting before standing up with me still on his lap, leading to me latching onto him like a kola.

"I'll push you off."

"No you won't, not when I'm all sad and spacy," he frowns in response, glancing at the rocky ground then back at me. I tighten my grip in response, glaring at him in warning before smiling as he starts walking off with a huff (apparently .

He keeps me talking, and anytime he thinks I'm spacing out he'll either pretend to drop me or talk about stop and slow.

Eventually I started squirming, slipping out of his hold so I could walk next to him instead of being carried.

"You feeling better?" Turning my head to look at the blonde I smile and skip over to him, nudging his shoulder with a giggle.

"Aww you care-! Ouch!" now frowning I rub the back of my head, I look off to the side hiding a smile with a yawn when Kacchan nudges me with his own shoulder, grumbling under his breath.

I wait a while before answering his question, kicking the gravel under my feet, "I'm fine, it wasn't a big deal- the whole spacing out thing, was just... daydreaming. Yeah, daydreaming."

"You want to know what I think?"

"no not really."

"I think that your scared and not 'fine'. I think that you know that wasn't daydreaming and that it's happened to you before and yet you're scared every time it happens. I think you should tell your parents but I'm definitely not one to talk when it comes to that. I know that it's terrifying when you wake up only to find you've done all these things and don't remember a single one or maybe you do but don't remember how you did it, or why.

"Wanna know how I know? I know because it happens to me, a lot actually. So, you can say your fine, play it off as daydreaming, but just so you know. You're not fooling me so don't try to, we are well past the, 'I didn't want to bother you so I kept it inside' stage Izuku, and the last thing I want is a repeat of middle school."


The rest of the walk was relatively silent, clear of topics such as what pushed me to the edge of punching through a window and dissociating. At one point I saw a squirrel and starting crying when it ran off, punching Kacchan in the face when he asked me what was wrong- he was not happy but excepted my apology when I gave in 5 minutes later.

He didn't, however, comply to my demands of being carried, to which I tried to punch him again.

Unfortunately, he moved and I fell to the ground with a mouth full of gravel.

It was another 10 minutes until we reached the gates of the school and Kacchan looked about ready to scream cry or kill, so when Kirishima and Mina came into view I ran to the two, hiding behind the taller and holding him still when he tried to turn around and face me.

"He's out for blood!" I hiss before ducking behind the red heads frame again, holding my breath as the blonde comes closer.

"I can still see you nerd, you're not small enough to complete hide behind shitty hair."

"Are you calling me fat?" moving from behind the red head I fold my arms across my chest, taking one step towards the blonde who's eyes grew wide.

"Not cool bro."

Looking up from her phone mina pipes up, wrapping her baby pink jumper around her body as a strong wind blows by, "Yeah Bakugou, not cool."

"I am not calling him fat!"

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