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"You did it again woo! I'm proud of you!" Pop hugs him then messes with his hair.

"Thanks bro," Cameron responds.

"We're all proud of you papi, you were crazy tonight," I hug him as he hugs me, "That coach was getting me tight but you kept going. Stayed focus and ain't lose ya shit i'm proud of you."

"I ain't think you was real deal till I came and seen you play bro. You going to the NBA fasho no fucking doubt in that," Polo daps him up.

"Thank you!" Papi laughs before wiping his sweat with his jersey.

Everybody else hugs and congratulates him before all three scouts come up to him.

"Cameron Fuentes? My name is Bryan Walters a scout for UCLA in California."

"Damien Gray, Hi nice to meet you my name is Kelly Ford I am a scout from Standford University," I hear in the distance.

"Chris Gray! Joe Dean, scout for Princeton University I am very interested in you and your talent on the court."

Cameron, Damien, and Chris were all being recognized by the three scouts. Whole team winning.

"Woah.." Pop says as I look up at him and geek.

"Are your parents here?" Bryan asks before Papi looks to me.

"N-No but this is my sister Ciela Fuentes, the closest thing to a mom to me."

"Awh," Amiri says.

"Hi nice to meet you!" I smile and shake his hand.

"Nice to meet you!" He smiles back at me.

Everyone went into their own conversations. Me, Bryan and Papi. Tae and Jasmine looking out for Damien and Chris as they were being recognized.

This moment was their moment.

"I really think you are just what we're looking for. We've been watching you as of two years ago. Your grades are high. Your records are clean. Did you have any school in mind for when you graduate?" Bryan questions.

"It's crazy because UCLA was my top school that I want to apply to," Cameron laughs.

"Well, I can guarantee a full ride to UCLA. This is including your dorm if you choose to live in the dorms. Your one way ticket. And covers expenses for the four years you will be there. We want you. You are just what we need and are looking for."

As Bryan explains Cameron and I had this big smile on our faces.

"You wouldn't even have to apply," Bryan looks at us and smiles.

"Forreal?" I ask.

"Seriously! No kidding! I told you, we've been looking at your brother for the past two years. He's a superstar on the court no doubt. He's got the hometown love. He's got the energy. He's got that presence. We look for all of that when people apply to UCLA."

"No catches no nothing?" Cameron asks.

"Nope! No gimicks," Bryan laughs, "Except being away from your family."

"I need to do this. I've always wanted to do this they'll understand."

"Just curious, what is your plan? If you were to attend UCLA?"

"Grind," He clears his throat, "Grind hard. Put in beyond the work you expect. Keep tabs on having high and steady grades. And with the money, spend it on my sister because she deserves it. She's the one that's always pushed me beyond my limit. Things I never knew, she taught me. She taught me how to be a hard worker. A hustler. So," He looks down at me, "This will be our ticket out is how I would put it."

"I swear it sounds like I trained him to say this, but that's all him!" I laugh making Bryan laugh.

"Well I—."

"Babe i'm gonna go warm up the car," Pop comes up to me before I get my keys out my purse, "H-Hi nice to meet you," Pop shakes Bryan's hand, "Bashar."

"Bryan Walters scout from UCLA are you her husband?" He asks before Pop looks at me and smiles.

"Not yet," He smirks making me laugh.

"And then he was saying how they wanna offer me a FULL RIDE scholarship to UCLA!" Cameron laughs on the phone with one of his friends.

"Yo, can you believe how God just works though?" Tae says, "Like Papi, Dami, and Chris all got a chance to talk to each of the scouts that just so happened to be they dream school? Like how even?" He laughs.

"Shit really crazy," Jay says, "That's really like movie type shit never heard that in real life so it's definitely God working."

"This food so bomb, I wanna eat more but I can't!" Mikey sighs throwing himself on the couch.

"Who you telling? I'm taking a plate with me this too good for it to go to waste," Fetty laughs.

After the game it was all fifteen, including the kids, of us in my house. I eneded up cooking lasagna, salad, and garlic bread. Just something light.

"I'm telling yah Beba ain't shit to fuck with!" Tjay says, "My sis gotta go on MasterChef i'm jacking it!" He laughs making everybody crack up.

"No funny shirt you should do that," Pop laughs, "Get a whole bag just cooking on tv."

"And have that nigga Gordon Ramsey come at me sideways and think I won't pop shit?" I scoff making them laugh, "I'm from New York. Bronx. I will slap fire outta dude if he ever tried to talk shit about my cooking!" I laugh more as they crack up.

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