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Hey Folks,

So? What are you doing here?

This is the most infamous and unknown place on Wattpad. And if you are here, then either you are my very good friend or you are looking for notifications (just like me)😉, Or someone in the comments tagged you.😂
Okay, jokes aside.

The reason for making this squad:-

When I was new on Wattpad I did not know that we have to socialise on this platform so I just kept writing like a Maniac. And I got discouraged when in spite of putting all my efforts in my book, my book wasn't noticed by anyone. And this is a problem for almost every new writer. So this is a squad that goes around looking for new writers and adds their story into its reading list so that the stupids that are a part of this squad(all the struggling writers) can notice the new work and encourage them by reading and upvoting.

We are not a community, we are a squad!
In the community, you have a hierarchy. You have the founder, the Admin, the Judge, the Reviewer, the Participant and Members.
There is no hierarchy in a Squad. Everyone is just a member of this Squad. Everyone is equal.Every follower is a member.

But you need to understand one thing. We can't tell the password of the community to everyone. So there are currently two Prime members in the squad. (You don't have to follow them)
Prime members are just like you, nothing special. You can ask them to publish your articles or an entire book on your behalf under this Account with your name, for promotional purpose.

1st. Xlainlovesbookiiiies
2nd. stupidthatfolks

In a Squad, you only have Friends who have Got your back. They don't read your books because it's their work, they read it to support you. They read it because they want to. But this would only happen when we have more friends in our squad so that we can support each other. Currently, the Squad is unofficial. But soon in the future, we might be a group of strong people who support each other. You will get a wide range of writers and readers to indulge with in our squad.


If you are a new writer then you might not have enough followers to showcase your work. So what you can do is send us some of your Articles or Poems to Advertise your work in our Advertisement book. Or just request a Promotion in our Promotion book.
(These books will be published officially after this squad becomes official.)
We also have an official YouTube channel (you can subscribe if you want). You can release a video trailer of your book on that channel. Or we can display your book's on our website.

We give free upvotes😆😉😆😆So if you want free upvotes do request it in the next chapter. And tag other people you think might need free upvotes for encouragement.


How exactly does it work?

You can classify your self as per your interest in any of these categories.


These wattpadders can read, have shout outs for their books, write indirectly ( by submitting articles to Prime Members), Have there book in our library if they want. They can do everything that prime members can do except, they won't have the password to the squads Account.


They are just like members except they have access to the password of the squad's account. But note that the members can have there own individual books or Articles published in any other book of the Squad UNDER THERE OWN NAME. This will help you attract readers and gain some dedicated readers.


These are wattpaders whom all of us want. No need to introduce them.

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