Ace of spades ♠️

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"I'm going to look for some fresh clothes, make yourself comfortable in the meantime. There are water bottels in the fridge.", Reddington told her nodding towards it.
"Thanks, Red.", Liz smiled at him weakly, she looked quite exhausted.
He nodded and went into a room, leaving the door open. Red was looking for something to get changed into, for himself and for Lizzie. In the mean time Liz was getting herself some water from the kitchen. She drank while she took in the little cabin, they were in. She strolled back into the direction of the room Red went in.

All of a sudden Liz froze. Her feet were as if they were glued to the ground. And her hand, with the bottle in it, froze on her way to her lips. All she could do was stare at his reflection in the mirror. Red stripped of his dress shirt slowly and put on a simple sweater. She thought he was going to take his pants off next. But as her eyes traveled down on his body, Liz could see he was already wearing another pair of slacks.
Lizzie mentally laughed at herself, shaking her head.
She turned around and walked back into the kitchen, before Red caught her watching him.

Liz couldn't see a lot since the door was just partly open, but it was enough to get her curious. She remembered reading that Reddington had tattoos. But she didn't remember reading about this one. On the shipping container she already saw it through his shirt, but couldn't see what exactly it was.

She was still in thought, when Reddington came back.
"I'm sorry, I can't offer you anything better at this moment, Lizzie. But this will have to do for a few days.", he saw that she was somewhere else when he entered the kitchen. Red assumed that she must be uncomfortable being here.

"What?", Liz shaked her head, to get herself on track again, before looking at him a little confused.
Red nodded at their surroundings. She followed his eyes and understood what he was implying.
"Oh no, no. It's alright. Given my situation right now, this is more than I expected. Thanks to you Red.", she smiled at him warmly, then she looked him up and down.

He was wearing a dark grey sweater combined with dark blue jeans. She never saw him in something this casual, but she liked it and he still looked handsome.
"You clean up well. I'm sure you can wear about anything.", Liz smirked at him, when she saw that he was blushing quite a bit.
"I... I found something for you to change into too. It's in the bedroom.", he changed the subject, ignoring her compliment. Like ignoring anything he didn't want to acknowledge or answer.
It's so frustrating. So very frustrating.

"Thank you.", Liz knew there was no point in pressing the matter. For a fact, there was no point in pressing any matter, after he changed the subject of their conversation.
So, Lizzie went to get changed. Closing the door.
She was looking at what he found for her, when there was a knock on the door.
"You can take a shower if you want. There are fresh towels in the bathroom. I'll prepare us something to eat, in the meantime..", he told her through the closed door.
"Thanks, Red.", she called, as she took the fresh underwear and went into the bathroom.

The moment the hot water touched her skin she relaxed. Forgetting about everything for a few minutes.
But it had to be a lot more than a few minutes, that she'd been standing motionlessly under the water. Because the water started to get cold. Liz hurried washing herself with the shampoo, that was thankfully there. After drying herself and her hair with a towel, she put on the underwear.

Liz opened the door to the bedroom, assuming that Reddington was still in the kitchen. Turns out he is not. No, he is standing in the middle of the room staring at her dumbfounded, with his mouth slightly open. Feeling a sudden rush of confidence, Liz put on a smile and walked over to him. His eyes following her every movement. When Liz was a hands length away from him, their eyes locked. She reached up putting a finger under Red's chin, closing his mouth. Liz felt how his jaw clenched, so she let her finger linger a little longer.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2021 ⏰

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