Rosie giggles.

Lisa's eyes widen a fraction. Because Rosie giggling for no reason in front of a guy? How unbelievably out of character. Lisa feels fumes come out of her nose through an exhale.

Rosie turns back to her.

"So, Jae here is apparently a senior at our university and he recognized me from the campaigns and student events. He saw me and thought I was alone so he approached me-"

I should NOT have left her alone, Lisa thinks.

"-but I told him you were just buying food and he said he'd always wanted to participate in the student council activities but didn't know how to since he just transferred universities. So I told him to get in touch with me tomorrow and we can talk about which committee he would best fit in."

Rosie finishes recounting how the one thing Lisa didn't think would happen, happened. Jaehyun nods, still smiling boyishly.

Lisa knew what he was doing. Who wants to help the student council when they're just a transfer student? But sweet, oblivious Rosie has naught a clue.

"But aren't your committee roles all filled up by now, Rosie?" Lisa asks.

"Um," Rosie laughs awkwardly. "Yes, but we could always use the extra help." Rosie turns to the Jaehyun guy and gives him a smile. He returns it immediately.

Lisa takes the time to size him up and learns that he is quite tall. He's probably only just the littlest bit taller than Rosie but the way his body is built lean makes him look very tall.

He's not bad looking, too. Not at all.

"Yes," Jaehyun agrees with Rosie. "So," he starts, looking between the two women. "I guess, I should go look for my friend and get going, now," he says.

Lisa wonders if it was because she had an actively hostile vibe or if he just couldn't think of anything else to say. But she was glad he's leaving. Then she and her favorite person could have their meal in peace and she can forget whatever just happened and she wouldn't have to evaluate her actions and feel guilty for how she'd just disrespected the boundary of friendship between them.

"Okay," Rosie says. "I'll see you around in school."

Jaehyun smiles wider. "I'll text you."

And with that he walks away.

"That was weird." Lisa comments when his back has retreated far away enough that they're out of earshot.

Rosie, still clueless, pops one veggie wrap in her mouth, responds only with an mmm?

"It was weird that he's a senior offering to help with council activities," Lisa explains. "Don't seniors have other, better things to do like prepare for graduation instead of burden themselves with council work for a school they're already supposed to be leaving?"

Rosie shrugs, chewing. "I don't know, Lisa. He was just nice and he offered help. Why would I say no? You know I can always use more help."

"So get the people who have already signed up to help you, help you." Lisa retorts.

Rosie raises an eyebrow, puts down the wrap she was about to take a bite into.

"What is your problem? Why are you so hostile?"

Lisa huffs.

"You gave a man you don't know your number. You don't even know if he really is a senior at our university."

Rosie makes a 'what-the-fuck' face.

"Lisa, what are you even saying? He knew my name, he approached me politely, he even actually showed me his ID." Rosie's tone was rising now, bordering on actually-angry instead of just the usual tone she uses for bickering. "Did you want me to conduct a full interview with him, then ask for his birth certificate as well?"

"I just want you to be careful, is all." Lisa explains, tone even. "It's just that."

"Well, I am." Rosie retorts.

And then no further discussion follows.

Rosie finishes her meal in incredibly annoyed silence. Lisa finishes her in guilt and worry.

I definitely overreacted, Lisa thinks. She knows the outburst came from a place of jealousy more than concern. Of course, concern would always be there, but she would be lying if she said that was all there is to her acting like an asshole.

They don't really talk except when they both agree to just go home after the meal. It isn't really in both of their habits to apologize to each other after a fight. One of them usually just extends an invitation to eat together and everything would be forgotten.

But when Lisa asks Rosie if they should stop at their favorite ice cream place, Rosie just says she wants to go home and she's too tired. So Lisa doesn't push it. She just nods.

Lisa feels more and more awful every hour they spend not talking. But she leaves it be.

She knows she and Rosie will fall back into each other like they always do. They're a duo. They come as a package. You can't have Rosie without Lisa and vice versa. So things will be fine.

Except they won't.

Because even before the next day starts, even before they go to bed that night, Rosie's phone starts to ding repeatedly.

Apparently, Jaehyun hadn't even bothered waiting to text her the next day.

That night, Jaehyun and Rosie begin to start texting constantly.

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