Chapter 1: Lion's Den

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Scarlet's breathing was a little less than even, but they'd been running for blocks. She didn't have hightened senses or skills so she had to work even harder than everybody else even more. Even though Kurt offered teleporting her across multiple buildings, she declined because she knew that she would just strain him eventually. Besides, she could most certainly handle herself. She was a full grown 23 year old woman. Finally, they reached the edge of the building.

Scarlet reached a hand to her ear. "Rhodey, go ahead and land, we'll be ready."


Nightcrawler, beside her now, scanned the area before both their gazes rested on the silver haired speedster, and his team. Rhodey landed beside them a moment or so after the discovery. They were standing outside some resturaunt. Lucky for them, it wasn't crowded. But that also meant that Quick Silver and Mystique would have no problem or reason not to start a scene. Thankfully, it meant less syvillians for her and Kurt to protect. So, whatever the outcome, they would fight and fight hard. "Alright, what's the plan?" Rhodey asked. She gazed over to her side for guidance. Kurt sent her a look and she once again remembered, she was the leader. She'd never get used to that...

Regaining her confidence, she spoke. "Kurt, I'm relying on your extreme stealth to listen in." She silently warned him with a look, Don't get caught.

He nodded. I won't.

With that, Kurt teleported out of sight and straight into the lion's den.
Not his first time.

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