Blackmailing Assassin Chick

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"Can you please let me go? Tomorrow is the my twin cousins' kindergarten graduation and I promised them I wasn't going to miss it," Kid Flash begged the blonde sitting in front of him. She looked up from her sword and arched a brow at him.

"You should've thought about that before you stumbled into one of the most secure Shadow bases in the world," She stopping looking at him and went back to sharping her weapon.

Wally sighed and sat down on the dusty, dirty floor of his cell, "I was only trying to pick up some authentic Indian food. Speedster's promise!" He held up his left hand.

Without looking at him, she retorted, "It's your right hand, dumb ass."

"Fine. But if you guys plan on torturing me, you're not going to get much. I have a habit of not retaining information unless it's science stuff. I don't think you would be interested in hearing me recite the exact science of the-I guess not," He stopped himself when the tip of her blade was pointed at his throat. Once he had stopped rambling, she pulled her sword away and let it sit on the ground.

Since the girl had made it very clearly that she didn't want to talk, Wally looked at her. She looked to be about his age, maybe a bit younger than he was. She was definitely beautiful, maybe even model material. If boys say her walking around, they would totally try to flirt with her. Wally would too but in this situation he was alone, in a cell, and she was an assassin ready to kill him at any given second.

However, she didn't seem like the typical assassin. She seemed miserable and bored. It was almost like she didn't want to be here. He was sure a lot of people wouldn't like sitting in a dirty, dusty, dark dungeon on a Saturday night but most of the Shadow guys were eager to even be in the league and do Ra's Al Ghul's dirty work.

Wally wanted to know more about the blonde beauty so he did want he did best. He started to talk, "So why did you become an assassin? You look pretty young. And I'm guessing you probably weren't like, 'I want to be an assassin when I'm older!'"

"Who care? I can kill you I'm five seconds if I wanted to."

"Yeah, but do you want to kill me?" He challenged. She sighed and stood up from the floor. She started to type a code into the keypad next to his cell door.

"I don't want to kill you and I definitely don't want to be an assassin, but it's a family business you don't escape from, Kid. And I rather not be antagonized by some ginger who looks like a walking advertisement for McDonald's. So I'm going to let you go and you're going to pretend this never happened."

"Won't you get in trouble?"

"Nope. As far as the league is concerned my sister is on the clock. She's probably sleeping with somebody right now. She'll get to explain why the stupidest sidekick of the Justice League managed to escape," The door popped open and Wally walked into the hallway.

"Cute and clever."

"What did you just call me?" She sent him a glare that could rival Batman's. Wally's almost shivered. God, this chick was intimidating.

"Nothing," He quipped, "So blackmailing assassin chick, would you like to pick up some authentic Indian food with me?"

She gave him a confused a look, "What are you talking about?" Before she could react, Wally picked her up bridal style and ran.

"Put me down now or so help me I will end you right now!" She yelled at him as he sped out of the dungeon and around the base. He was really fast, she would give him that, but he was going to get them killed.

"Hey, you said you didn't want be an assassin! And I happen to know some guys that can make sure you never have to go back to that life."

"I also said you can never escape!" She yelled at him. She looked behind them. Guards were running after them but they quickly disappeared. "You must have sort of death wish, Kid!"

Wally shrugged with her in his arms, "Probably. So what's your name, anyways? I don't think blackmailing assassin girl is going to stick around, Beautiful."

"Artemis," She sighed and relaxed in his arms, "Do you even know where your going?"

"Nope! Artemis is a very beautiful name, by the way. It fits you."

"You're going to want to take a left on the next turn then a right. That'll lead you to an exit, which leads to a forest, which leads to the ocean. And I'm gonna assume you know your way back home?"

"Thanks," Wally smiled at her, "Only a couple of minutes until you start your new life. That's exciting!"

"Just don't drop me," Artemis rolled her eyes.

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