"Tete you haven't had your period and you're sick?" Simmy asked getting up grabbing his keys. "I'll be back." he said before going to their garage. Looking back at Tete I saw her rummaging through the refrigerator. She pulled out some chocolate ice cream and pickles. It seemed like a bad combination but Tiana just kept eating it happily. She was even beautiful at 14. Simmy came back with 3 boxes in his hand looking at Tiana he just shook his head.

"What? It's really good!" She said still eating until she ran out.

"Tete I hate to bring this up. Did Bone wear a condom when he did what he did?" He asked.

"I don't know but I want chips." Tete said finding some.

"Tete you might be pregnant. Go take these pregnancy test." he said handing her the boxes while taking her chips. She left for the bathroom and came back 10 minutes later. She just sat on the couch and cried. Simmy walked over to the couch and let Tete lay her head in his lap. She cried until she fell asleep. Walking over to her I kissed her cheek only to be moved somewhere else. I was in a hospital room. Tete came out of the bathroom in a hospital robe.

"Simmy I'm so scared. I don't wanna lose my baby." she said grabbing Simmy's hand

"Don't think like that Tiana." he said kissing her hand. Walking outside the room I saw a woman in some weird scrubs she seemed to be mumbling something.

"Lord please help this sweet little girl in her time of need. She maybe young lord but give her the strength through her situation however it turns out
Amen." She finished

After she said her prayers she walked back into the room.

"Nurse how much is she dialated?" The doctor asked.

"She's fully dialated." She replied with a sad look on her face.

Walking over to Tete she grabbed her hand. "I'm sorry to tell you we can't stop the labor." she said.

"What are the chances of my baby making it?" Tiana asked.

"I don't want you to worry about that. Sir are you staying for the birth?" She asked Simmy. He just nodded. Tete screamed as a bunch of water came out of her and she clutched the life out of Simmy's hand. The doctor got into position and told Tiana to push. She pushed three times before giving birth to a small baby. I suddenly couldn't hear them speaking but I saw Tiana and Simmy start crying as the nurse and doctor left. Going to look at her baby I saw how beautiful he was and looking at Tiana and Simmy's faces I knew they were deeply hurt.

Hopping up I realized I was in Tiana's bed. Looking next to me I saw Tiana wasn't there. Looking at the clock I noticed it was Monday May 24th 2:15 pm. It was Tiana's last day of school and she would be here soon. Walking out her room I saw clothes and soap on the floor and a note.

Your welcome,

After my shower I went downstairs to see Simmy on the couch.

"Look who up." He said not turning his head from the tv.

"Yo I'm sorry I did not mean to just stay over here without your permission." I said.

"It's okay. Just as long as you came over for a good reason." he said with a pointed look.

"Tiana told me what happened to her When she was 14." I said sitting down.

"How did you feel about it?" He asked.

"My respect for you both is at an all time high. I know you both loved Little Simmy and he was such a beautiful baby." I said thinking back to my dream.

"How did you know what he looked like?" He asked me.

"I had a dream about the story Tete told me. But it felt like I was actually there." I said.

"Little Simmy was beautiful. Man I just couldn't wait to be and uncle. I mean I hated his dad but because I loved his mom more than anything I loved him more than anything. I just wish he were here. I- I just wanna hold my nephew man." Simmy said crying. Walking over to him I just patted his back as he cried.

"Can we go see where you burried him?" I asked Simmy.

"Uh yeah just follow me." Simmy said wiping tears while leading me to their backyard. I stopped in front of a plaque and looked down. Simmy left while I was reading it.

In Loving Memory of Simmuel Peyton James. Son and nephew.

Kissing my index and middle finger I laid them on the plaque.

"Rest easy little man." I said walking back into the house.


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