Father's who have daughters are difficult

Start from the beginning

"I will kill you Sanskar", saying which Abhay came running towards his friend.

"If I hate someone in this world, then it will be you", saying which Abhay hugged Sanskar and cried out loudly venting all his pain.

After taking Abhay to Maheshwari mansion, Sanskar narrated everything to his parents making sure that Abhay was fast asleep. For the next few days, Sanskar didn't leave Abhay even for a minute trying to make him feel at home. He knew that losing parents is not a small thing to get on easily but as days passed by Sanskar observed that Abhay was unusually silent and always seemed to be lost in his own thoughts.

On the insistance of Sujatha, they took him to a counselor who revealed after few sessions that Abhay gets suicide ideations and apart from the prescribed medicines he told them to avoid all those objects and places which might raise suicidal thoughts.

"Doctor, he will become normal right?", asked Sujatha.

"It is not that simple Mrs. Maheshwari but I am sure, he would gradually be able to get a control on his thoughts. All I can suggest you is not to leave him alone and make sure that he is always happy", replied the doctor.

And that day Sanskar decided that he would be with Abhay in his every step of his life.

Flashback ends

Sanskar came out of his thoughts hearing Arnav's voice.

"Sanskar, go and sleep for some time. I will be with Abhay"

"I want to be here bhai", said Sanskar holding Abhay's hand tightly.

Understanding Sanskar's turmoil, Arnav just nodded.

Next morning all the three reached Raizada mansion where Khushi and Swara already prepared all Abhay's favorite dishes for breakfast. Finding right moment Sanskar narrated everything to Khushi and Swara. Though they had so many doubts, they didn't speak anything regarding it to Abhay and tried to keep him occupied and this time it wasn't that difficult for them as Abhay was already getting to learn to keep his thoughts under control.

The entire day, Khushi pampered Abhay so much that he almost forgot about Piya. After dinner, Abhay was talking to Khushi putting his head in her lap while she was ruffling his hair with motherly love. Arnav was doing his work on his office laptop.

Swara went in search of Sanskar and she found him on the terrace lost in his own thoughts. Silently, she went and stood beside him holding his hand and putting her head on his shoulder. Feeling her presence he lowered his head too in a way that it slightly rested on Swara's head.

"It is unlike of Piya to do something like this Swara. She is such a pure soul", said Sanskar out of no where.

"May be someone forced her to do so", Swara said the first thought that came into her mind hearing it.

"Hmmm...may be you are right, I always felt that her father didn't seem to like Abhay but I don't see any reason why someone could hate such a lovely guy", said Sanskar showing his disapproval as of how anyone could hate his best friend.

"All fathers who have daughters are the same", smiled Swara for which Sanskar just nodded. But as something striked his mind, he made Swara turn towards him and cupped her face.

"Your father knows about us, right?", asked Sanskar.

Swara lowered her gaze and nodded in no.

"Don't tell me you came here without telling him?", asked Sanskar with a raised voice.

"I told my mother Sanskar and she is fine with it but my dad is very strict. If he would have known he wouldn't let me come here", said Swara hastily holding his hand.

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