Chapter 2; In the hospital

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Angie's POV

"Angie!" Aunt Keisha yelled

"Am coming" I said.

"Your friends are here"

I quickly jumped off my bed, wore my red hoodie and went downstairs to see who it was. Yeah it's my friend but which one, right? I walked to the living room only to see jasmine and her twin  sister, Tami on the couch.  I really hoped it would be Malone. Yah I have a crush on him.

" Hey." They said together.
Do twins read each others mind? Of course not.

" You look disappointed to see us" Jasmine said when she saw my look on the face.
In my mind I heard a better question.  Can twins read minds?  Coz Jasmine was actually saying the truth.

Since I told them about my crush on Malone I had never "breathed "   around them.  Not literally...

" You wanna know what happened today at school?" Tami said looking at me with a creepy smile.

"Yeeees" I said pretending to be interested.

"Malone had a fight" they both said at the same time excited.

"Holy shit! What happened now" I said knowing how violent Malone could sometimes be.

" That's a question only Malone can answer... You know Malone beat John until he started bleeding. " Tami said smiling as they both stood ready to leave.

Her smile reminded me of a porn video where two guys had to fight for the woman. 
Ewe! Angie what are u thinking.

"You are leaving, seriously!" I yelled.

"Oh sorry, Tami, we forgot something don't you think?" Jasmine said. As she turned at me.

"Yah..." Tami replied.
" Angie get well soon" they said as they left.

"This twin thing is creepy" was all they left me saying.

I had to go see Malone. I was afraid he was hurt. I checked the time and it was 4:55 his highschool was not far. I asked my aunt to drive me there and in 3 minutes we were there. 

My aunt drove back home. There were way too many people around. Just before I was about to give up I saw him. He walked alone and looked to be in a hurry.

"Malone, wait for me" I yelled as I ran towards him.
"I was told u had a fight" I said.

He looked stressed. I searched for any bruises on his body. None I was internally happy

" Yeah I had a fight so" he said in a harsh tone. I was a bit confused. Was he mad at me?  I knew something else was wrong.

"What happened I know this isn't you" I said trying to calm her down. 
We rushed to the hospital where his mum was. I could see his dad in the in the ward. We walked to him.

"Dad" Malone said as his dad hugged  him.

"How are they?" He asked still holding to his dads hug.

"They will be fine son" he replied while tears rolled down their cheeks.

I stood beside them awkwardly trying to stop my tears.

Mr Peter ( Malone's father) nodded at me asking me to join them. I went towards them and I joined them in the hugging. I could hear Malone's sniff.

"Its all my fault." Malone said as he sat on the bench behind us.
"No it isn't" I said as I slowly rubbed his back.
Malone's POV
"Doctor, is my wife alright"

"Am sorry but I can't say much" the doctor said as he hurriedly walked past us.

We were on his tail. I seriously don't know what the fuck is wrong with doctors these days. Why cant he just tell us what's wrong with my mum and brother.

"Please doctor, I beg you is my son alright." My dad pleaded.
"Am sorry sir but we are not sure of either of your wife or son state." The doctor replied.

We sat there waiting for the doctor. Five minutes passed when I heard an alarm.

"Dad what's going on?" I asked nervous as I saw nurses run to one of the rooms. We stood as one of the nurses approached us.

"What happened... What's going on? Ho... How is my son." My dad pleaded at the nurse

"Sir calm down."

"Well then tell me, how's my son. I saw just run into his room don't tell me to come down," my dad argued as his voice raised.

We were interrupted by the first doctor.

"Diana, I will do it." He said as he gestured the nurse to leave.

"Do what? What's wrong doc..."

"Mr peter am sorry but we couldn't save your son. He is de..." My head was spinning at that moment. The other words that that the doctor said fade. I felt like all hell broke loose.

I had been suspended at school for two weeks. And now this. I couldn't hold back my tears any longer.

A tear after the other came out until my face was now wet.

I moved back slowly as I imagined all the good times we had. I sat down on the bench. Angie sat right beside me. I bent towards her side. My head on his shoulder. I watched my dad sit as he sat on the flow and cried. I never felt so vulnerable.
After about ten minutes we walked into my brothers room and looked at his lifeless body. It didn't feel real.

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