Start from the beginning

"Okay, uh, well, I could do every other day, if you'd want, or maybe everyday. I-I don't really mind," Peter stated, clearing his throat. "Whatever works for you. . ."

Alissa grinned, finally looking up to Peter. His head was slightly titled, his hair messy after having taken off his beanie. His curls were more noticeable, and his eyes stared at her in a way she'd never seen before. A weird feeling came to her stomach, wondering why it seemed so familiar to her.

° ° °

"We gotta stop running into each other like this."

"You're following me, aren't you?" Alissa didn't need to look back as she continued to walk along the sidewalk. Her and Peter had decided to meet every other day at the library, and with it being their second day back at school, she had come to find she needed all the help she could get after her teacher brought her to the hall when she failed to turn in another assignment. She made sure to inform him that she was getting help from Peter which put a smile on the teachers face. And while they had every intention of meeting in the library, they were unable to, but Peter told her that they could do it at the apartment. So, that's where she was headed. "Don't you have something better to do than stalk teenage girls?"

Spider-Man dropped down from the roof he'd been walking along, making Alissa momentarily stop, but then smile when he realized she was waiting for him to catch up to her so she could continue. "I'm not stalking you, but I don't have anything better to do than talk to pretty girls."

Alissa made an awing sound. "You're getting bolder," she commented, earning a light chuckle from him. "We're gonna have to stop talking, or else you might even ask me out." Spider-Man was silent for a second. "Oh no, I—"

"I'm kidding!" He snickered, taking a few steps to be ahead of her. "Totally kidding, Miss."

Alissa scrunched up her nose. "Please don't call me that."

"Well, you've never told me your name so. . ." He slowly dragged off, pretending like he didn't already know her name was Alissa Lilly Caverly.

"Alissa," she introduced, softly smiling.

"Ah, Alissa," he repeated. "That's nice, it suits you, Ali."

"Hey now," she shook her finger, "Only my friends and family get to call me by nicknames, and you are not my friend."

Spider-Man made an offensive sound. "We're not? Even after all the times I've saved you and brought you home?" He tried, only earning a sly smirk from the girl.

She glanced to the building beside her, carelessly shrugging. "Nope," she smugly said. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have plans."

Spider-Man turned his attention to the building, a quiet gasp coming from his lips. It was his apartment building.

Alissa turned, but she was forced to stop when Spider-Man's webbing snatched up her wrist. She only rolled her eyes, spinning to fade him with an annoyed expression on her face. "Really? Again? How many times are you gonna web me up?"

"I'm not sure yet," Spider-Man said, but Alissa didn't laugh. He cleared his throat and rushed over, quickly yanking at the webbing, ignoring the looks an older couple sent him as they walked past. "W-What are you doing here?"

"Why do you care?" She replied with a question, watching him tangle with the webbing.

"I'm just making sure you're not going to rob some innocent old lady," he looked up at her. "You aren't, right? 'Cause if you are, that might ruin our chances of ever being friends."

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