Start from the beginning

Alissa didn't really know if that would happen, but she was hoping it wouldn't. However, with lunch finally upon them and only two more classes left in the school day, her hope was almost drained from her chest.

"He's fine, Al," Gwen softly sighed, hoping to ease Alissa's nerves that she could almost feel inside herself as if they were own. She had been trying to get Alissa to think of something other than Peter, knowing it was gnawing on her mind despite the countless times she denied it. "I'm sure he's just sick or slept through his alarms. Cindy isn't here either. Maybe they both caught something at the hall."

"I know," Alissa replied quietly, biting into her salad. Due to no one having gone grocery shopping that week, all that was left at the Caverly home was lettuce and their unappreciated vegetables. So, it was only Alissa who made herself lunch with a salad and a few cut up vegetables while Brian and Carter opted just to find something at school.

Alissa didn't fully trust the school food, not wanting to eat something called 'Mystery Meat'. Carter seemed to be enjoying it, barbecue sauce smeared across his lips. Alissa grimaced at the sight, turning back to Gwen who kindly smiled at the girl. "I'm just worried about him. Ya know?" Alissa honestly confessed, wiping ranch off her hands with a napkin.

"Oh, I know," Gwen laughed, sipping her soda. Alissa playfully glared at her blonde friend, the two giggling together, almost easing Alissa's mind. That was the closest she had been to forgetting all about Peter that day. "I'm sure he's fine I. . ." Gwen's gentle voice drifted, eyes pinned to the cafeteria entrance. Alissa, continued to smile, followed her friend's gaze only to find one Peter Parker lingering in the door, missing his glasses and his hair a complete mess of little curls. His Midtown hoodie was wrinkled, and he was wearing mismatched sneakers.

Alissa noticeably shifted in her seat, sitting up straight as Harry quickly approached Peter. She then turned to Gwen, "He looks awful," she whispered, stealing another glance as Harry and Peter talked, almost fighting in hushed voices. "Should I—"

"Penis Parker, everyone!"

Alissa's head snapped to the side of the cafeteria, finding none other than Flash Thompson standing up. The boy began to move towards Peter and Harry, Carter not far behind him. Alissa's eyes widened, noticing Carter whispering in his ear and Flash speaking right afterwards, taunting Peter mercilessly. Liz Allan was at the other end of Alissa's table, frowning at the scene. Carter's eyes swiveled over in their direction, skimming over Alissa to meet Liz's brown ones. Seeing the frown etched on her face made him close his mouth, but he still stayed in pursuit of his best friend.

"Flash, knock it off." Harry held his hand out to stop Flash from coming any closer, protecting his best friend. Flash shoved his hand away almost immediately, daring to take a closer step to Peter who didn't move an inch. He just continued to stare at Flash, blank of any emotion. Alissa felt her heart rate quicken, hands becoming sweaty. Though, Harry continued to push back. "Hey, back off, Flash. I mean it."

"Or what?" Flash taunted the Osborn boy, eyes shimmering in amusement. "You gonna have your daddy come and save you? Throw money at me to leave you alone?"

Alissa could see the anger bubbling in Harry's blue eyes, but he was doing his best to hide it. His hands were shaking almost too quickly not to notice, lips pursed together into a fine line. "Leave it alone, man. Can't you see he's sick?" Harry defended, trying to keep the fight under control.

Flash peered behind Harry to look at Peter. "He looks fine to me," Flash shrugged. Then he pushed past Harry and roughly swatted at Peter's arm. "Aren't you, Pete?" He chuckled. His cocky smirk was wiped off his tanned face when Peter suddenly shoved him away, all humor washing off his face and anger now taking over his features.

Without a second thought, Alissa got to her feet, hurrying over as Flash swung at Peter. Gwen was hot on her heels, Mary Jane finally coming in from talking to the theatre teacher just to see Alissa and Gwen running over to a crowd with Peter Parker and Flash Thompson at the center of the teenage mess.

Flash was taken aback by Peter fighting back, not liking it in the slightest. Carter was surprised too, but that didn't stop him encouraging Flash to fight back more defiantly. Liz was trying to stop Carter, but the boy wasn't letting the beautiful girl stop him. Alissa pushed her way through, using her elbow when the teenagers failed to move. Gwen apologized for Alissa's actions, swiftly moving behind the girl until they were in the very front row, Harry right beside them. Mary Jane hurried through, panting heavily when she finally reached her friend's.

"Harry," Mary Jane breathed out, "Stop them!"

"I tried," Harry said, eyes wide in panic.

Carter wickedly smirked, hooting victoriously when Flash knocked Peter to the ground. Alissa glowered at him. "Pull him back, Carter!" she harshly demanded. "He's gonna hurt him!"

"I'm not so sure about that." Alissa frowned at Gwen's words, gaping at the sight of Peter tightly gripping Flash's wrist before they collide with his face, going to stand with his hands tightly wrapped around Flash's arm still. The boy let out a faint whimper, Peter not letting go yet.

Alissa bit her lip, worry swimming in her eyes at what would happen next. Gwen was biting on her pink coated nails, Carter was blinking, too much in shock to really know what to do. Peter finally let go of Flash's arms and pushed him down, eyes burning with anger and annoyance. Peters eyes suddenly widened and he was pushing through the crowd, mumbling out apologies as he did so, leaving just as soon as he'd came.

But just like the day before, Alissa found herself running after. Only this time, she wouldn't let him get away.

° ° °

This is a lot shorter than I was planning and I'm sorry,,,, but Peter's back??? Kind of, anyways. I think we all know what's to come after this and I'm really excited for it!

Don't forget to leave your feedback in the comments and I hope y'all enjoyed!

Don't forget to leave your feedback in the comments and I hope y'all enjoyed!

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