-Chapter 2-

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   A/N: This chapter was edited June 25, 2016

     Puck gulped and hunched over his face now red with rage,"This isn't over piggy."
     "Bring it on" I bend down and whisper in his ear expecting many pranks to come. 
     After I finished getting ready I slipped into the dress Granny is making me wear and jumped into the car, forced to sit next to Puck during the drive to charming's mansion for the party.  I half expected him to make the ride a nightmare for me...but he didnt.
     When we got to the mansion Snow's excited face was the first we saw, "You're finally here!"
     "Sorry about that Snow, "Granny replied and looked at me and Puck, "Do you need any help finishing up the decorations."
     "Yes, actually, Puck, Sabrina, would you finish putting up the streamers?" she said glancing at Daphne with a grin.
     "Fine," Puck and I mumbled, both of us obviously still mad at each other. 
     "Toad face," Puck mock coughed.
     "Gasbag," I replied in the same manner.
     "Here, put them up the way you would Christmas decorations,"She said handing us a huge pile of streamers, "If you need more there are some boxes in the closet to the right. 
     When me and Puck finished after half an hour of silence we went over to the closet Snow told us about. As we got inside I realized the box was on the top shelve.   Since I knew Puck wouldn't be any help I decided to take matters into own hands.  I stood on the second shelf and reached up to the box but still couldn't reach, I cautiously went up a shelf.  Snap. Looking down I saw the shelf start to break but I was determined to get this box. I went on my tip toes and just as I grabbed the box.  Snap.  
     I prepared my self for the inevitable feeling of the cold hard floor knocking the wind out of me, but it never came, instead I felt two warm arms wrapped around me.
     "You know I really should start charging you Grimms for every time I save you, I'd be rich," Puck said with a sigh.
     Slam, the door behind us was shut by the force of Puck's wings keeping us in the air.
     I rushed to the door to find it locked, we were trapped there, in a small closet, in the dark.  Great.  Just great.
     "Now look what you did Grimm," Puck said with the annoyed face I knew was there even though I couldn't see him.
     "My fault? It was your fault we had to get more streamers because you used the other ones to wrap your self like a mummy!" I snapped back

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