Chapter 2

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After Tim had given you spare clothes so you could shower, and given you something to eat, you went to sleep in his bed while he took to researching you. He may or may not have taken some of your blood...and saliva. But what you didn't know wouldn't hurt you. After running your DNA through many different systems, his theory was confirmed that you were from another Earth. One that seemed to be much safer, yet you appeared to be more comfortable and almost relieved to be on this Earth, which vexed Tim. In the whole three hours you had been here, a guy had already tried to rape you, and you were mysteriously picked up by some stranger with the most aberrant family that existed on any Earth.

Deciding to let his interest overwhelm him, Tim plugged your information into Brother Eye and decided to dig a litter deeper. After two more hours in front of the large computer monitor that sat on his desk, Tim was able to establish that you did not necessarily have the happiest life. Your family had left you to survive alone at quite a young age and it was two years before you made it into foster care. Your time there hadn't been grand either.

More than once, a family adopted you and then sent you back because you 'just weren't right'. Tim's fingers strained from the constant clacking as he drowned himself in the police files. He got so deep into the reports, emails, and letters back and forth he didn't notice a redacted file amongst them until it smacked him in the forehead. Taking another large gulp of his over-sugared coffee, Tim cracked his knuckles before using his mighty hacking skills to unlock the information. It took him three minutes. Which meant he was out of practice.

When he was sure that he could read all of it he poured over the document. The data enclosed in it ripped through Tim's body like a strike of lightning. Navigating down to the bottom of the file and taking note of the sender of the letter, Tim allowed his jaw to drop open. You had no clue who you really were, and clearly the sender wanted it to remain that way. Tim was going to leave it that way at least until he could get Bruce's help on it.

Now that he had finished snooping through your personal life, Tim spun his chair around and met your sleeping form. The sun was just beginning to peek over the horizon and was softly streaming rays of light into the room. You were curled up in the fetal position on the bed and hugging one of the many pillows very tightly. Letting out a soft hum, you stretched out onto your back. Now you were spread in a starfish position, each limb reaching for a corner of the bed. Tim allowed a gentle smile to unfold. You were absolutely adorable.

A knock at the door jolted Tim from his thoughts. Dick slowly opened the door and scanned the room before his eyes land on Tim. His gaze flickered between Tim and you and he flashed Tim a cheeky smirk, knowing full well he gave up his bed for you to sleep in. "Why don't you wake up sleeping beauty so we can get some food in her?" Rolling his eyes as his brother's obvious teasing, he shooed him from the room. Tim slowly made his way over to the bed and shook you awake, mentally preparing himself for a chaotic breakfast.


Your palms sweated in Tim's own grasp and you chewed on your bottom lip. Stopping in the hallway, he pulled lightly on your hand and spun you around to look at him. "You don't have to be nervous. I've got you sweetheart. And nothing is gonna happen to you while I'm around," TO give you more reassurance, Tim grinned at you and felt your pulse on your wrist pick up. This caused him to laugh before gently tickling your sides. Much looser now, you took Tim's hand in yours again and allowed him to lead you to the kitchen.

Once you had sat comfortably at the table, Tim took a seat next to you and began devouring his food. Noting how your eyes frantically scanned the various burly men in the room, Tim placed a comforting hand over your own under the table. Bruce sat on Tim's other side and was first to break the silence. "So, Y/n, where are you from?" Your head snapped to Bruce before you slowly answered his question. "Well... I am obviously not from here as I suspect we're not in Kansas anymore." After being met with confused stares, Tim established that they didn't have whatever she was referencing here on their Earth.

After clarifying that she was from another Earth, the conversation went much smoother. Jason was curious about the things that were different between here and your Earth. Damian spoke about various animals with you, and Dick talked to you about yoga and multiple flexibility stretches. Bruce talked to you here and there but mostly he observed. Making a discreet signal to Tim, he pulled him from the conversation.

"What do you know about her?" Tim, understanding his father's apprehension, began to go into detail about everything he found out last night. By the end of it, Bruce was certainly intrigued by you. "She's quite a rare gem." Bruce slyly commented, amusement underlying in his tone. "Yeah. She's the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. It doesn't really matter to me because you aren't your family, you're who you make out of yourself, but you won't believe who her dad is," Tim paused, taking a deep breath. He knew telling Bruce would ignite the detective within him, but the very perplexed boy needed a LOT of help with this. "It's-

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