Natura Circus

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"Matt, come on! We're gonna be late."

"I told you, five more minutes!"

"Well, hurry the fuck up, then!"

The night was clear of clouds, a rare and very much appreciated turn of events. Exciting plans were sure to be ruined if the weather so much as turned foul. The most popular circus in the world just happened to be in the area. Matt, along with his friend Robert, were lucky enough to purchase the tickets months in advance, all the while waiting for the anticipated day to come. Which was now. And they were fucking late.

"I swear to god, I'm leaving without you!"

Fast footsteps thundered down the stairs, followed by a muttered curse as two steps before the landing, a slim but muscled boy crashed with an audible plop. Robert let out a squeal at the sight, covering his mouth to prevent more embarrassing sounds from escaping.

"You alright, man?"

Matt quickly stood upright, his knees aching slightly from the fall.

"Peachy." Matt said, the word drunk on sarcasm.

"Well then, let's go!" His friend practically ran to the door, twisting the door handle almost violently. Robert couldn't be bothered with his friend's attitude. Matt secretly loved that about him, his total apathy when it came to his sudden bouts of non-amicable, and totally unintentional, behavior. Or maybe his friend was just very dense. Either way, Matt liked Robert.


The car ride was short and uneventful; the radio blasting the ear-drum shattering music Robert adored so much. Matt needed to bring earmuffs the next time he stepped foot into his car, or maybe his own I-pod. The circus was just as any other, the red-velvet fabric of the tent shifting with the small force of wind. Robert parked near the entrance, turning the key and dismounting the car, unaware he left the headlights on. Matt followed after him, deciding to wait until they reached the tent to point out his mistake. Although the car was practically right there, Robert apparently left whatever ounce of patience he had somewhere between walking out the door of their apartment and first getting into the car, because his reaction was far too dramatic for the measly mistake.

"Fucking piece of shit car..."

He ran back to the car, hitting the tire with a kick and removing his keys from his back pocket, opening the door, turning off the lights, and slamming it shut. He returned running, giving both Matt's ticket and his to a woman standing to the side of the entrance, and dragged him by the wrist.

"Why are you so excited?"

"Because I've never these people before, and I've heard incredible stuff about them, so I don't want to miss a single second of it!"

We took our seats on the first row, seconds before a dim glow set itself on the rather large tent. The ring master stood in the center, holding both hands over his head as he introduced himself.

"Welcome to the Natura Circus!" He exclaimed in a powerful shout, silencing the chatty crowd.

"In here, we are all a bit more in touch with Mother Nature, in ways practically unimaginable!"

Robert was shaking in his excitement, vibrating with ridiculous energy. Matt didn't see what was so invigorating about this place. Natura Circus was a special sanctuary of sorts, to most people, for they not only entertained, but astounded their clients with unexplainable tricks. Even the most cynical of people were baffled by it.

"May I present to you, our crown jewel, LEWIS!"

A boy entered the circle, a sparkly outfit outlining his slender, feminine form. He smiled as he faced the crowd, white teeth emitting a shine of their own. Robert and Matt watched as his fingers flexed before him, closing his eyes in concentration. The air around suddenly felt heavy, a moist feeling making their limbs numb and heavy. The boy began to twirl, and a ring of water conjured out of nowhere.

Robert and Matt watched in shock as Lewis staged his movement so perfectly, guiding his body with swift, elegant strides. As he moved, more water unraveled, following him in a beautifully entranced way. The water came close to the stands, people running their fingers through the water, wanting to see if the skin came out wet, if the water was really real. Lewis came to an abrupt halt, the water shaping into different sized spheres, all hovering above the crowd. With the quick flick of the wrist, the spheres exploded in a puff of snow, falling delicately on the awaiting crowds below.

The people watching were at first flabbergasted, but then erupted in a deafening noise of cheering and shouting, all anxious and equally amazed. Matt all but stared at Lewis, awe sketched on every inch of his face. Robert cheered on with the crowd; his eyes alight in glee and wonder.

"Did you see that?, wasn't that amazing! And there's more to come too."

The event continued with people guiding fire, lifting earth, blowing wind.

Matt couldn't believe it.

How did they do it?

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2015 ⏰

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