💫Backstory 💫

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"A/N" - This is the author note just to let you all now. I am not an expert on writing or making up story but this is just a fan fiction I wanted to make up. I don't own the characters I nor do I own the picture that you see in these chapters I do own the story. This is fan fiction is meant for females "m4f" so this is based on my idea, and you are the main character so yeah enjoy and a heads up I am sorry if you aren't satisfied as of yet but I promise spicy 🌶 scenes and chapters.

Word count 639

You were raised around villians, you weren't kidnapped but you were born into it, your was mother "Eliane Nova" was a hero pro hero a great one at that she was at the top of her game up there with the men until she met this guy she had to fight against who spoke sentences no human alive could form complimenting trying to distract her but she wouldn't give in, he was and still is the leader in a he League of  Villains he name was "Tomura Shigaraki" and he still is but he grew attracted to her because of her determination,her braver,and her beauty. They both fell in love and it came the day when she had to make a decision a very tough one. Her career or the man she loved... she chose him without a question so she made a plan so they could live a happy life together they staged a kidnapping and she was their "victim" the plan was successful but the hero's were determined to find her so they kept looking until they decided to fake her death so they would stop looking for her and when the pro hero's found out they were devastated and knew nobody would live up to her expectations. 
Fast Forward 28 years later they got married had 5 sons and one daughter.
There daughter looked just like her mother but a perfect mix of her mother and father's eye color and hair color. This is what your mother looked like but you had light blue and brown hair split straight down the middle you had purple eyes with red specks in both of your eyes. Your name is Lyla Shigaraki and your quirk was Goddess Warrior and you out your five older brothers knew what they wanted to do with their life 3 out of 5 wanted to be a hero and the other two wanted to be hero's and you needed to chose and you didn't have much time to chose and you couldn't decide because your father was telling you "all the power you have you can bend the world to your will", and your mom said "do what you feel is right write and live your own destiny make you mr own legacy don't live to make your father and I happy, live for you". So you had to opinions that mattered so much to you now all you needed was you own. So that night you went on a run without the your over protective brothers no dad training you to kill your opponent in combat and no quirk training with your mom, just you. You know what you father was doing was wrong but you knew the reason he was doing it so you decided to help your decision by turning into your Goddess form and started using your quirk in an empty field and you got someone's attention. This first picture was the field and the second picture is what your mother looks like just imagine the picture with half of her hair light blue and her eyes with red specks 

 This first picture was the field and the second picture is what your mother looks like just imagine the picture with half of her hair light blue and her eyes with red specks 

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 Your name is Lyla Shigaraki

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Your name is Lyla Shigaraki. Your quirck was goddess warrior

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