First day jitters

Start from the beginning

'I usually don't wear this ring without a reason, It makes me feel uneasy, but I have to admit, it's nice to take a break from thoughts always flooding your head.' Saiki felt his whole body flinch and tense up, he felt.... something.

'The hell? Is somebody watching me?' Saiki turned his head and scanned the area, nobody even paying attention to him.

'If nobodies watching me, then what was that? Oh crap, I should really get going, if only the waiter didn't ask if I wanted more. I need to go. Now.'


'Looks like there's nobody there, time to leave.'  After finding a spot to teleport away from and into the men's bathroom of his school, he felt himself relax upon getting away with almost being late. Only to bump into a pink haired girl upon walking out of the bathroom

'Oh no, did she see? Wait isn't that Tiara girl?' He was in thought maintaining his usual deadpan expression, as the girl was walking off it was then that he realized she was, at some point, talking to him. Then he witnesses her glitch again into Kuriko.

'I thought that was just my eyes playing tricks on me, but no, there's no way, what the hell is going on? Is she glitching? It's almost like we're in a video game, but that's impossible, so what's going on?'

'I need to find out what's going on, on top of her glitching, I can't read her thoughts.' Saiki turns his head to look directly at the reader.

'I know what you're thinking, and yes I took off the ring, I'm not stupid. And speaking of her glitching, nobody else reacts to it, it's like I'm the only one who sees it. but still I can't read her mind, maybe she's just stupid like Nendou, well I'll have to watch her in class and figure out what's going on, speaking of which, I wonder if she's in the same class as me anyway, she looks the same age as me. Although she could be in a different grade or class. Never mind she's heading to my class room.'

As Saiki enters the classroom, he realizes that you stayed outside the door. He walks in only to hear people talking so loud he can barely hear himself think.

'I'm just going to put the ring back on, everyone's especially talkative today.' Saiki then slips his beloved germanium ring back on his fingers. Now he only hears everyone's annoying voices flooding his ears.

"Did you hear about the new transfer student?"

'Why does everyone keep getting excited about transfer students? Are we forgetting about the first one?'

"I hear she's prettier than Teruhashi!"

'I wonder how she's going react to that, and anyway, why do you even care?'

"There's no way she's as pretty as Teruhashi."

'Enough with this.'

"Now everyone, quiet down." The teacher then stated after walking into the class.

'Thank you, I was starting to get done.'

"As I'm pretty sure you have all heard, we have a new transfer student today!" The teacher then stepped aside as a shy looking pink haired girl stepped into the classroom, causing the whole room to get quieter than before. The class mostly in a state of shock.

A riddle of lies  (saiki k x reader)Where stories live. Discover now