alternate universe

Start from the beginning

"Now, if you're bored, go watch a movie like Frozen or something," Callum suggests to lighten the mood.

"Frozen? I don't like it. It's a girly movie with princesses and magic and stuff!" He waves his arms around to prove his point of the said "girly" movie.

Callum glares at Ezran. He shakes his head. Ezran dismisses himself to the bathroom, and Callum warns him to hurry before the plane takes off.

Callum hears a giggle from beside him and realizes that it came from the girl sitting next to him. Her eyes were lit up. She was looking at him. She was laughing at him. She speaks up. "Is that your brother?"

"O-oh, yeah, that's my brother, Ezran."

A few seconds of awkward silence followed, with Callum fiddling with the hem of his jacket. He decides to break the silence, taking a big step at not being a very awkward human being.

"Do you have any siblings?"

"No," she shook her head. "I've heard they're annoying but I wouldn't know. It gets lonely at home sometimes."

Callum thought about what it was like having a brother. "Ez and I usually get along well but the plane ride seems to be getting to him, I guess." The two were always there for each other for support, more Callum for Ezran, because there are things that Ezran still doesn't understand because of his youth. When their mom died, Ezran was so little and didn't remember it. He'd sometimes joke around and point out that Callum acts like a mom himself.

The girl nods in understanding. Then she puts her hand out. "Rayla."

Callum stares for a moment and takes in her features. Her white hair cascading down her back. Her sparkling lilac eyes. Her small nose. Her refined eyelashes. Her thin eyebrows. Her petite form. Her abnormally pointed ears.

Then he smiles at her and shakes her hand. "Callum."


Callum and Rayla spend the next few minutes chatting and getting to know each other more.

Callum found out that Rayla was also going to Sydney, Australia, to a martial arts competition and coincidentally lived only on the other side of the state he lives in. She'd been training since she was just a child. Callum recalls hearing about the martial arts place that she was going to since his aunt works there. She was a great fighter and also trained at a young age. Rayla and Aunt Amaya would get along pretty well, he thinks.

Rayla mentions that she was going on her own. Her parents weren't going with her because Ethari, her dad, owns a jewelry business and couldn't leave it, as the business is very heavy at this time of year. Her other dad, Runaan, needed to stay with his husband and do community service in the town.

"-and then he punched the man. Only because he called me a wimp."

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