Who are you?

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"Oww.. What am I doing here? What kind of sorcery is this?" Ryujin (in Beomgyu's body) whined while looking at her reflection in the small mirror.

She only saw this happening in dramas but now she just can't believe anything. Even though how many times she tried to wake up from this nightmare, she just can't. She's stuck in this reality.

"What are you doing?" a topless Yeonjun suddenly appeared in the doorway.

"Aahh!" she screamed and covered his.. uhh.. her eyes, because of the sight. "What am I gonna do? What am I gonna do?!" Ryujin thought, now panicking.

"Why are you covering your eyes? It's not like it's your first time seeing me like this." Yeonjun said, now inside the room approaching the younger boy.

Ryujin bow her head down even more and brought her attention to her um.. Beomgyu's hands.

A thought of telling Yeonjun about her situation ran past her mind but she highly doubt he will believe it. Even she can't believe it. Also, knowing Beomgyu's nature, telling him with this body might just give her some beating from the older boy.

"Oh.. uhh... I'm... you just appeared out of nowhere.. yeah. That's why..."

Yeonjun find her answer suspicious but he just bit her excuse and ignored it.

"I ran out of deodorant. Soobin told me there's an unopened one here. Do you know where?"

"Wh-what? uhh.. I don't know. Just t-take whatever you need and get out." she answered while looking at the floor, still avoiding looking at his exposed body.

"You're being weird, Beom." Yeonjun told him and start searching the small cabinet.

"I'm always like this, w-what do you mean?" Ryujin acted innocent. What else can she do in this situation? She can't properly think since realized she woke up in someone else' body. Acting as Beomgyu is the only proper thing she can think of right now.

Yeonjun quickly found the thing he is looking for and now back to suspecting the weird Beomgyu in front of him.

"Are you sick?" Yeonjun suddenly put a hand on her forehead to check his.. uh her temperature and Ryujin can't help but blush.

She quickly pushed his hand away and dodges his touch. "Just go! Soobin op-hyung told me to go fix myself. Just go!" Ryujin kicked him out of the room while still avoiding looking at his body.

Once Ryujin shut the door close, she instantly fell on her knees.

"How can I survive this? Ahhh! What do I do?!" she asked herself, all stressed because of her strange situation.

Knock! Knock!

A loud knock from the outside made her panic once again.

"Yah! How long will it take you to fix yourself?!" Soobin loudly asked from outside.

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