Kirishima's Birthday Party

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*3rd P.O.V*


"We need to plan something for Kirishima!  His birthday is this weekend!"  Mina shouted, throwing her hands in the air dramatically.

"Shh, you gotta keep it down." Sero whispered, not wanting to spoil the surprise.

"We should throw a birthday party." Kaminari muttered, his finger on his chin while thinking of other ideas.

"That's a great idea! We need a band for music! Balloons, cake, piñatas, confetti, cupcakes, more sweets-."

"Do you guys have the money for that?" Bakugou asked, interrupting Mina from her mumbling.

"We're all pitching in!" She yelled, the rest agreeing.

"Who the fuck is we-."

"I thought I saw piggy bank in your room that one time we went-."

"The hell are you doing in my room for?" Bakugou side eyed him, Kaminari hiding behind Sero, not wanting to die at such a young age.

"C'mon Bakugou, you're doing this for Kirishima not us." Sero muttered, placing his hand on the hot headed male's shoulder, hesitating a little bit.

Bakugou rolled his eyes, trying not to come off as soft for Kirishima.

"Fine." Bakugou mumbled.

"Awesome! Now we just need a band." Mina whispered.

"Why don't you just get a DJ." Sero asked.

"No we gotta make this extra special for Kirishima." Kaminari muttered.

"Just ask Jirou to form a band with someone else in this school, she plays a lot of instruments." Sero explained, smiling at his "perfect" idea.

"We just gotta ask her." Kaminari mumbled, looking at the other side of the class where Jirou was seated.

The bell rang, signaling all the students to get to their class.

Some students sat down on their desks, being already in the classroom while more students entered.

"Alright class, as you know, we're having a stupid event for all students next week, surprisingly, that's all that's happening for the next two weeks prior, so if you guys have any plans, nothing is gonna get in the way of that. Enjoy yourselves." Mr. Aizawa proceeds to wrap himself up in his yellow sleeping bag, the rest of the students enjoying their morning.

Bakugou stayed seated on his seat, not bothering to go over and speak to his friends.


"Do you even have a crush on anyone?" Momo asked, turned in her seat, speaking to Todoroki who was behind her.

"No, no one has really caught my eye..." Todoroki whispered, glancing at the spickey blonde haired boy at the front.

"Well, I know someone who actually has a crush on you." Momo whispered tracing her finger on the seat.

"Someone likes me?" Todoroki asked, suprised that he caught someone's attention.

"Yeah I overheard him talking to his friends about you."

"Him? A boy likes me..." Todoroki blushed, looking down, smiling to himself. Usually it would always be girls talking about how handsome and cute he is, but when it came to a male, it made his heart tingle almost, he liked getting compliments from males.

"Who is it?" Todoroki asked, looking at Momo with hopeful eyes.

"Hitoshi Shinsou." Momo blurted with a straight face.

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