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Before we begin, I would like to announce the winner of the cover contest... SoMuchFlippinGlitter ! Congratulations! I wasn't expecting the bloody ear, but I think I can work with that.

Anyhoo, enjoy the story.

Poppy nervously tugged at the gloves she was wearing. She hated how they made her hands sweaty, but didn't want anyone noticing the bruises on her wrists. Leaves were pushed aside for her and Cedar, and the Gala was in full swing!

“This is a fancy party, honey," she told Cedar as they held hands. “Remember to be on your best behavior."

“Only if you remember to shut up," he growled, squeezing her hand to the point she heard small pops. Poppy resisted the urge to cry.

“Be back in ten minutes, boys," a glamorous Troll said to a group of Trolls as she stepped out of a limo and headed for the party. “Cedar! Poppy! Over here, darlings!"

“Hi, Adelaide," Poppy greeted as she approached them.

“Mom, where were you?" Cedar asked. “Your own party started three seconds ago!"

“My dear, I've always preferred to be fashionably late," Adelaide replied. “Even for my own birth!"

Everyone laughed, even Poppy, much to Cedar's chagrin. Adelaide was such a confident woman, she wasn't afraid to speak what was on her mind. Poppy often wished she could be more like her, but Cedar would hit her just for having an opinion.

“You did a lovely job this year, Adelaide," King Peppy said. “Everything looks... What's the word I'm looking for?"

“How about that? I left the king speechless!" Adelaide joked and held up a notepad. “Of course, there are still a few things I need to take care of. That poor punch bowl is only half full."

Cedar gave Poppy a rotten look. “That's my mother," he growled.

“I know," Poppy whispered. Cedar just squeezed her wrist until she pulled away. “I'll take care of them, Adelaide."

“Oh, thank you, darling," she replied, giving her the notepad. “Such a nice girl you got, Cedar. What's she doing with a boy like you?"

“I'm a man, Mom!" Cedar pointed out. “You're embarrassing me!"

Adelaide just shrugged as Poppy went to put up some decorations. Two friendly Trolls approached her excitedly. It was Satin and Chenille!

“Poppy!" they exclaimed.

“Hi, girls," Poppy greeted. “Having fun?"

“Yeah, what about you?" Satin asked. “You should be out on that dance floor!"

“Why else would we spend hours on that dazzling dress you're wearing?" Chenille added. “All eyes should be on you!"

“I don't know about that," Poppy said, looking away nervously. Even if she did look beautiful, Cedar hated it when anyone else looked at her. Poppy assumed it made him feel protective of her.

Marked (Short Broppy Fic, Currently Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now