Chapter 2 - "DEWEY!"

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As the kids, Launchpad, and Darkwing Duck flew through the vortex towards the Nega Verse, Louie had already figured out what was going to happen. However, he floated through the vortex stream up close to Darkwing and asked casually as he could,

"So, where are we going excatly?" He asked.

"The Nega Verse." Darkwing Duck replied, as they floated faster towards the swirling lights. "Been there before, didn't care for it too much." He grumbled.

"Nega Verse?" Huey asked, coming up beside Louie, "Like opposite from ours?"

"Exactly." Darkwing Duck told him.

"As in an -." Louie groaned,

"Alternate Diminsion!" Webby squealed as she floated up to Louie, shouting in his ear. Louie winced, as she busted an eardrum. "This is so my specialty. Mr. Darkwing, You are so lucky you have us along for the ride." She added beaming at him.

"Yeah, lucky isn't what I'd call it." Darkwing muttered.
"Yeah." Louie agreed, Darkwing blinked at looked at him. Louie shrugged. "You know how many times Webby has actually thought we were in an alternate diminsion and thought Huey, Dewey, and I were evil clones?" He asked.
"You wouldn't be evil though," Huey pointed out, "considering you are the evil triplet."
"Evil triplet?" Darkwing asked as the made it though the vortex and landed safely on their feet in the Nega Verse.
Louie winked at him.
"Hmmm. Wonder what your clone's going to be like here. Huebert." Louie shot at him as they looked around the varen waste land of the nega verse.
"I already know what your's is going to be like." Huey snapped back at him. "Loud, obnoxious and -."
"Boys, that's enough." Webby interupted. "In case you are forgetting, we need to find Dewey and get you guys back home before -." She stopped.
"Before the party?" Louie finished.
Webby stared at him.
"I'm the sharp one, remember, and I hate surprises." He added.
Webby groaned.
"A party? Really?" Huey asked, eagerly.
"Cat's out of the bag now." Launchpad chimed in, "but enough of that. My best friend; Dewey, is in trouble. Darkwing! We have to save him! It'll be the best birthday present of all to be saved by his best buddy!"
"Calm down, LP." Darkwing said. "We find Nega Duck, we'll find. Eh...What's his name?"
"DEWEY." All three of them said loudly.
"Right." Darkwing agreed, clearly his throat, "Dewey. Lanchpad, you go with the kids and if you find Nega Duck, and Gosalyn let me know." He threw Launchpad a walkie talkie.
Launchpad gave Darkwing a determined look and saluted him before hustling the three anxious kids in one direction while Darkwing went the other way.
"Who's Gosalyn?" Huey asked.
"Darkwing's daughter." Launchpad explained. "She was also taken by Nega Duck which is why we were chasing him. He must have already stashed her somewhere here when you guys showed up at that bakery." He said.
"Well, we know one thing." Louie said, looking around at the crumbled up, and wasted world they had landed in. 'We know they are together."

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"I said, LET ME GO!" Dewey shouted as Nega Duck gripped at the collar of his shirt even tighter. He dragged him into an old abandoned wearhouse where the smell of rotten eggs and saw dust quickly filled Dewey's nose. "Ew. What died in here?" He asked.
"You, sooner rather then later, if you don't just your beak." Nega Duck snarled.
He approched a cage and opened it before tossing Dewey inside. Dewey quickly recovered himself and made a mad dash for the door but Nega Duck was too quick for him and he slammed it shut. Dewey glared at him through the bars. 
"Must be my lucky day." Nega Duck continued. "I got two kids that parent's would pay heavenly to get back." He snickered at him. when he saw the confused look on the kid's face.
"Two?" Dewey asked.
"He's talking about me." Gosalyn answered.
Dewey glanced back at another kid around his age. She had red hair pulled up in pig tails, she wore a long t-shirt that was pratically way to big for her that came down to her knees, and she had green eyes.
Dewey's heart skipped a beat when she came up to stand beside him. Her arms crossed as she glared at Nega Duck.
"Um. Y,You are?" Dewey stammered.
"Gosalyn Mallard." Gosalyn replied introducing herself.
"And a real pain in the butt." Nega Duck growled. "I suggest you two get to know each other. You're gonna be here for awhile." He said, turning to leave.
"You obvoiously don't know my family all too well." Dewey shot back at him.
"Or my Dad." Gosalyn added.
Nega Duck paused and slowly turned back to look at them. Dewey didn't like the sly smile he was giving them as he backed out of the room and out of sight. Dewey suddenly had an gut feeling that, not only him, but his entire family was in danger.
"You won't get a penny from my uncle! Seriously, he's cheap!" Dewey called out as he heard a door slam shut. Dewey groaned. "Some birthday." He muttered.
"Yeah, your telling me." Gosalyn agreed.
Dewey looked over at her and his heart began to race. Why was he feeling like he couldn't wait to grab this girl's hand and jump in the ball pitt at Funzo's? Not saying that Dewey hadn't been to Funzo's in awhile. He was thirteen after all, only babies go to Funzo's and it wasn't what it used to be after he and Webby took out the mascot that turned out to be working for F.O.W.L.
"Me and my Dad were suppose to go on vacation. But he got caught up in another one of stupid Nega Duck's plans to take over the world." She explained and kicked her foot againt the bars of their cage. "I, I kind of yelled at him and ran off. That's how Nega Duck captured me."
"That sucks." Dewey agreed. "I got too curious again." He told her with a sigh."But not to worry, my brother's and Webby are on their way to save us right now." He assured her. Gosalyn looked over at him and arched an eyebrow.
"How do you know that? Do they even know you are missing?" She asked.
"I just know." Dewey answered. "My family, is kind a, well..." His voice trailed off.
"Noble?" Gosalyn asked.
"Weird, exstreamly weird." Dewey said.
"Mine too." Gosalyn told him.
They smiled at each other. The feeling Dewey was having suddenly exploded inside of him even more, making his heart ache.
"Well, looks like we got time before our families come get us." Gosalyn said, with a sigh. Dewey blinked as she sat down and patted the spot beside her. "Let's do get to know each other." She told him.

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"Um, you guys know where we are?" Louie asked. "I, I'm going to faint if we have to go another step..." He groaned and fell to the ground dramaticaly.
"We've only been walking five minutes!" Huey exclaimed.
Louie groaned.
Webby rolled her eyes and grabbed his hoodie and started dragging him along behind them. She didn't like the fact that they had only been here five to ten minutes and don't even have a clue as to where to start. All her survival lessons and simulations have all been completely forgotten with her concern and worries for Dewey.
His sensitivity and out landish attutiude will make it even more difficult for him to stay focus on his situation and will no doubt hurt himself if he tried to escape. She only hoped that Louie had been right before and this Gosalyn; whoever she is, has a clean head on her shoulders and can help him out.
"Is it just me, or does this place look oddly like -." Huey began.
"Don't say it." Webby interutped. She shivered as she remember what Launchpad had told them a few years ago.
"I had been to the future. I seen how the world ends..." 
She didn't like what Huey was about to say. Didn't like it at all -.
"You got to be kidding me!" Louie groaned, as he pulled away from Webby. He stood up and stared at the building in front of them. "You mean to tell me, every single building in this world is destoryed but this, this one is somehow still standing?" He asked.
"What's so wrong with that?" Huey asked, his eyes lighting up. Louie stared at him.
"It's a school! Huey. That's the one place I hoped would have been destoryed here! Then at least I could add onto it without getting suspended like I would in our world!" He wined.
"I don't think the same rules will apply here, anyway. Louie." Launchpad told him.
"Really?" Louie said, his own eyes shining. Huey rolled his eyes and sighed. "I think you're right, Launchpad." Louie cackled his 'evil,' laugh as he ran passed them, picked up a rock.
"No, Louie, wait!" Both Webby and Huey shouted at him (but for different reasons) but Louie had done thrown the rock at a nearby window making it shatter into a million peices.
Suddenly alarms started sounding off loudly and the kids, and Launchpad swallowed hard as two S.W.A.T cars came out of no where and surrounded them.
"I think this goes way beyond suspension." Huey whispered to Louie. Who looked at him sharply as the doors to each car opened up and two figures stepped out.
Everyone gaped at who they saw.
"Okay, now I'm totally confused." Louie said. He started to walk up to them, but Webby held out her arm to stop him. She squinted at them, not trusting the evil gleam in their eyes. Louie looked back at her confused by her sudden tension.
"Evil doppelgangers." She whispered at him. Not talking her eyes off the two in front of them. They got closer to them and Louie knew instantly that she had been right the entire time they known each other, back when they were little.
It was true.
All true... 

Dewey Duck Vs. The Nega Verse - Book 1 Where stories live. Discover now