-Of course- he placed his hand on hers, smiling softly at her- Besides, we'll have plenty of time when we are back in Canada. 

-No Canada for me. I live here, you know?

-I'm well aware of that, but...

A smirk appeared on his lips, as he eagerly searched through his backpack. And, as soon as he found them, he held them between two of his fingers. 

-Is...Is that...Are those plane tickets?!

-For both of us- he grinned right before she snatched them out of his hand and looked at them in awe. 


-You are- he nodded with a titter. He knew it had been her dream destination for long now.


Shirley and Blythe


Blythe: i've read chapter 17 during a brake they gave us

Blythe: it was the shortest one so far, but so fucking sad

Blythe: anyway, how are you?

Blythe: we haven't talked in a while

Blythe: and it's weird that i haven't received any comments on The house of God yet

Blythe: cause that's hell of a book

01:39 PM

Blythe: shiiiiiiiirrrrlllllssss

Blythe: are you there?

02:31 PM

Blythe: i'm serious, is everything ok??

Blythe: if you are mad at me, just tell me

Blythe: i just need to know if you are ok

03:42 PM

Blythe: you know i am here if you need anything, right?

Gilbert and Diana
03:49 PM

Gil: hey di

Gil: are u there?

Gil: i'm worried about anne

Gil: she hasn't answered her phone in four days

04:56 PM

Gil: it's been over an hour since i contacted you and you are a fast replier

Gil: is everything ok?

Gil: if you have some minutes could u call me please?

Blythe and Baynard
05:00 PM

Blythe: hey baynard

Blythe: kinda worried about anne

Blythe: do you know why neither her nor diana are answering their phones???

Blythe and Bash
05:17 PM

Blythe: bash

Missed call from Blythe 05:17 PM

Blythe: i'm worried

Blythe: why is no one answering????

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