Arriving in Hell

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Third Person POV

Y/n and Maira step off the plane, heading to the baggage claim and grabbing their bags as they hold hands.

"Y/n!" Someone yells. She looks up and sees the entire group walking towards her and Maira. Including, Mattia. She puts on a fake smile as they walk up to them.

"Daddy!" Maira yells, jumping into Mattia's arms and hiding her face in his neck. Y/n hugs each of her friends and then steps back, watching the two as they hug for a while.

"How's Italy?" Josh asks. The girl smiles.

"It isn't home, but it's something." She replies, shifting uncomfortably due to the obvious tension between her and Mattia.

"Why don't you guys move back? It's obvious that Maira missed her dad." Kairi asks. Y/n's eyes widen at the thought.

"Can we momma?" Maira asks, looking up at the girl. Y/n sighs quietly.

"I'll think about it. For now, can we get to the house." She replies. They all nod and head to the car.

"Here we are!" Bryce says as they get out of the car. They all walk in and Josh shows y/n and Maira to their rooms.

"I know you hate Mattia for what he did, but don't be selfish. Maira needs her dad and you shouldn't keep her away from him. You're not just hurting him, but her aswell." He says. She sighs.

"I know. She's been begging to move back, but everytime I think about him I think about how I wasn't good enough for him to want to keep our family together. We weren't worth the effort." She replies. Josh hugs her.

"Talk to him. You're going to have to at some point." He says as he walks out. She sighs and plops onto the bed. She scrolls through her phoneb watching edits and funny videos of her and all her friends.

Caption: I miss them.

She stares at the caption, pain filling her body.

Me too.

She thinks. She continuously watches the video, focusing on the part with her and Mattia dancing together. She looks over all of his features, biting her lip as she remembers the happiness he brought her. She lets a tear fall down her face and ignores the obvious sound of someone walking in.

"I liked that edit too." Mattia says. She snaps her head in his direction, her tears catching his attention.

"Were you crying?" He asks as she sits up on her knees. She glares at him.

"Don't you knock?!" She asks. He sighs.

"I wanted to see you. I missed you."

"Did you miss me while you were fucking Cynthia?" She asks through clenched teeth.

"I wanted to explain-"

"There's nothing to explain Mattia!"

"Yes there is! You don't know the whole story!"

"What is it then?! 'I was drunk.' Fuck off Mattia. Just admit that you didn't want the responsibility that came with having a family!"

"That's not true!" Mattia yells, slamming his hand down on the wall.

"That's enough!" Avani yells. The two look over and see the entire group except Addison and Bryce in the room.

"The next two months are about the soon-to-be married couple. Don't you dare ruin this for them." She continues. They both look down.

Running Back To You ~M.P.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ