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Author: Twixachu9602

Ουπς! Αυτή η εικόνα δεν ακολουθεί τους κανόνες περιεχομένου. Για να συνεχίσεις με την δημοσίευση, παρακαλώ αφαίρεσε την ή ανέβασε διαφορετική εικόνα.

Author: Twixachu9602

Reviewer :rosestoadore

Cover: 7/10

I like the woman or girl that's on the cover, it represents Zoe if someone made a first guess and that's pretty nice! Good job! I like the font and even the blood, but the only problem I had was the rose and the quality of the cover. It was a bit blurry, and I'm still trying to figure out what the rose is about. Apart from those, good job!

Title: 8/10 

I like who it gives of the story but doesn't really tell much. Good job! Some may think it's clichè, but I actually like it!

Blurb: 8/10

The blurb was beautiful and lovely! I really wanted to know why she moved and what happened when she reached the new town. Besides, the love triangle drew me in at the end, and I must say, that was pretty good! Just work on the punctuation marks and that's just about it!

Creativity: 9/10 

Your story is original, I love it! I enjoyed the first chapter a lot, and I like how Zoe is independent as a young girl!

Plot: 13/15

One word NICE WORK! Work on your punctuation!

Grammatical errors: 10/15

Punctuation is the key. I enjoyed the story so far but work on that. I had to keep it at the back of my mind that she was sleeping in the car, I shouldn't be doing that. Try using a small divider or make it BOLD or italics! Don't overstress the punctuation marks; "?!!" "????!!!!" Not good! "DING DONGGGG" Not good, too! (I sound like a small child here^_^) Apart from those, lovely book!

Character: 9/10

I fell in love with all of 'em! Zoe's best friend being on top of my list! Good job!

Communication with readers: 3/5

You engaged with everyone, nice job!

Overall impression: 12/15

I'm waiting for the next update, Girl! I'm in love and the last update; wonderful!

Total: 79/100❤❤❤

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