"Emphasis on 'almost'." He scoffed, "But they only did that because Isa got back at those who wronged her. You didn't do anything wrong, Lina."

"How do you know that?" I wondered, "She hasn't spoken to you or told me it was her that helped Anonymous."

He glanced over at me again, "She told Sofia, and Sofia told me. And plus, it proves what I told you earlier. All the people that got exposed today are the ones that helped exploit Isa."

I then crossed my arms over my chest, my brows furrowed, "You seem oddly calm about all that's going on. You've been like this all day."

"What do you want me to do?" He then laughed dryly, "Cry over the fact that my father is a crook? I think I knew that already."

"But you chose to protect that by choosing Isa," I mentioned, "If it weren't a big deal, you would have picked yourself from the beginning and all of this could have been over with."

"Clearly, nothing I did was worth it." He explained, "I bet if I chose myself, Anonymous would have probably moved onto the next and asked one of you the same question. This guy is one sadistic piece of shit, alright? Nothing I would did would have made him just stop at exposing me." I'm quiet again. Maybe he was right, maybe this anonymous person is just out to terrorize us and make us feel that we have to make a choice, though in the end, our secrets will come to light regardless.

Soon, he stopped his car in front of my house, and turned to me, "Text me later?"

"Of course," I smiled, reaching out my hand to ruffle his hair slightly, though he quickly slapped my hand away. I laughed at him before getting out of his car and to my house. I felt kind of bad because the only reason he used his car today was because he knew I hated being on the back of his motorcycle. He drove like a madman.

His car then pulled off as I made it to my porch, opening my door to see my mom in the hallway mirror, putting on earrings. She looked at me briefly, "Hola, Katalina? How was your day?"

"It was fine," I mumbled, still eyeing her as she then put on makeup, "You leaving?"

"Ah, yes. Marco, the waiter from the Arturo's Restaurant we went to the other day?" I nod to show her I knew who she was talking about, "Well, he invited me out for some drinks and I said yes."

It makes sense why he let us pay less that night, I told myself as I put my bag down by the door, "Bring me back something?"

"Well, sweetie, we're just going to a bar, so I left you some money on the counter in the kitchen." She explained, "You should invite Isa or Raúl over so you don't get lonely." Suddenly we heard a honk outside the house and she grinned, rushing to put away her makeup before grabbing her keys and purse, "Okay, I'm off."

"Have fun." I tell her as she kissed my cheek goodbye, leaving me in the house alone. My mother was known for dating men here and there after my father filed for divorce a few years. Like any marriage, there were a lot of arguments, a lot of disagreements and the occasional affairs. My parents went through it all, or at least my mother did when she found out my dad was sleeping with his secretary and then said my mom was the reason for his unhappiness before asking for a divorce.

I groaned when the door shut behind her because the house was absolutely silent. My mom worked from home, especially since all she did was publish her own books. Her first book was really the best selling one since it was about our life and my father's adultery. My father wasn't very fond of the book because seeing as he was a known attorney, his name was in the press about it for months, especially when the book started to rise in fame along with my mother.

I sat in my room after a while, eating the pizza I ordered after she left and channel surfing. Though, in the middle of my second slice, I stood from my bed to grab my water, but my reflection caught my eye in my mirror that was across my room. I was a little overweight than most girls you see at my school and for a time, I've grown to like that. It's not like I was bullied about it, though I would be self conscious at times like now.

I watch myself chew on the pizza that still resided in my mom, questioning myself, did I really need to eat that second slice? On a good day, I would scream hell yeah, but I notice myself involuntarily frown at my reflection. I forced myself to look away and still go to grab my water, but when I did, I headed straight into my bathroom.

I saw my reflection again in my bathroom mirror, instantly growing sick before I crouched over my toilet to regurgitate my food. I purged all of my food, trying to get it all out of my system or until I felt weak in my body, which was only a few minutes later. My legs tingled as I stood back up and flushed my toilet to look at myself in the mirror again after I rinsed my mouth with water. I silently stared at myself, my frown still on my lips, but also a few tears that slid down my cheeks.

This is one of many secrets that I pray Anonymous doesn't uncover.

(a/n:: please know that i was not
trying to trigger anyone with
this last part of my chapter.)

 𝐖𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐲'𝐬 𝐎𝐯𝐞𝐫 ⇀ 𝖼𝗓Where stories live. Discover now