Chapter 14- Lunaville

Start from the beginning

Could I say no? Well, my mouth disagreed.

"Sure." I said, the stupid boyish smile still sitting awkwardly on my face.

Only when he drove off did I realize what I had just agreed to.


As the night drew closer, I couldn't think of anything else but the date. I was now safe in my home, far away from the reaches of Ruth and her goonies - tucked away in blankets and stress-binging Netflix.

But I couldn't for the life of me focus on the ruggedly handsome figure of Ian Somerhalder in front of me. My mind kept going back to that no-no-don't-think-about-this box and opening it again and again.

Finally, I gave up and just stared at the clock for a good two minutes. My doorbell rang.

AHHH, He was here! PANIC!

Instead of panicking, I hastily changed into something presentable and scrambled towards the door, still smoothing down my shirt.

"Hey there," Alejandro said, standing in front of my house, looking more ravishing than Ian Somerhalder.

"Hi - ah - yep, hi." I croaked. That seemed to satisfy him because the next second he offered his hand to me. I stared at it, what was one supposed to do with hands again?

Kiss them, shake them, take them home and ravish them? Definitely not the last option.

I took his hand and he gripped it tightly. Wait, did he just- hold my hand? I looked down at our joined hands; unless I had cyborg arms, that was indeed my hand currently clasped in Alejandro's hand.

I tried not to give it too much thought and instead focus on the Corolla. You are reveling in my misery aren't you, you automobile?

The car didn't say anything, typical. I almost scoffed before remembering that Alejandro wouldn't understand why I was spontaneously scoffing at his car. After all, who would he believe - a car he has probably had for a while or a person he met a few days ago?

Before I ended up having a fight with his car, I slipped my hand out of his and half-ran to the car. I opened it and slid in before Alejandro could ask any questions.

He followed me, raising an eyebrow at my borderline weird behaviour and thank god, started driving.

"So, where are we going?" I asked, as the trees on the edge of the road dissolved into more and more trees.

He gave me the most unhelpful and least satisfying answer ever "It's a surprise."

So far in my entire history as a person, I had never been a fan of surprises. Surprises could range from you got a llama for your birthday to oh my god, we burnt down your house, surprise! So, naturally I had always been wary of these adult versions of peek-a-boos.

"Come on, just tell me." I said, adding in a pout for good measure. Cuteness was always a good way to get the things you wanted, I learnt that when I was very young when Robin - my classmate - convinced every teacher that I had stolen her lunch when in reality she had stolen mine; just by acting all cute and crying like a baby.

I never forgave her.

"That isn't gonna work on me. I am a teacher, remember?" He reminded me very kindly. Crap, why had it worked on my kindergarten teachers then? Not fair. I stopped myself from doing the adult equivalent of throwing a tantrum which was, of course, jumping out of the car all John Wick-style, showing up at a nearest bar and drinking till I couldn't anymore.

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