Felix glanced down and noticed their fingers intertwine, Minho squeezing Jisungs hand to death.

"Okay. Don't freak out but... we're officially dating!" Jisung said with an idiotic smile.

"Oh my god! I'm so happy for you guys!" Felix now shared the same idiotic smile, "Honestly i thought you guys were already together."

"I realized I had never asked officially, so we went for a brunch picnic thing and I asked him there, all romantic and shit." Minho said.

"I'm so glad you finally got together." Felix said, still smiling.

"Alright alright, we get it, we're adorable, you can get back to your class now." Jisung said.

"Okay- don't skip all your classes Ji!" Felix said as he walked away.

As he walked through the halls, Felix couldn't help feeling somewhat jealous of Jisung. He had someone that he loved and Minho loved him back. Felix wish he had someone to hold, someone to call his..

He arrived back at the classroom door, still in his head.

'Snap out of this sappy shit.' He thought.


Felix opened the door to his dorm, he was sweaty from dance. Jisung has been especially all over Minho today, since they were dating and all now. Of course, Felix was so happy for them, he was just sad.

He stepped into the dorm, and he could see Chan in the kitchen making something. Felix took off his shoes and started to his room, not feeling like he was in the mood to make an effort to be nice to Chan. Or think about last night, for that matter.

"Hey, uh.. i'm making ramen. If you'd like some." He heard Chan say. Why was he talking to him now?

"Sure, thank you. I'll just set my bags down in my room." Felix finally responded. He glanced over his Chan, who still had his back to Felix. A hot back, but not the point.

He opened the door and started to put his bag down, thinking. This must be because I- well, Bok- told him to be nice to me. He just hoped this wouldn't be awkward.


"Thanks." Felix said with a smile as Chan set a bowl of ramen in front of him.

"Yeah," Chan replied.

God this is weird- Felix thought maybe he should say something, anything to break the tension-

His thoughts were then interrupted by a now seemingly social Chan, "So, you dance, right?" Felix nodded, "I saw you in the practice room a few days ago. You're really good."

Felix blushed, hard. "T-Thank you."

Chan smiled, and Felix studied his features. He had littles dimples, one more prominent on the right side. His eyes pulled up a bit when he smiled, so they looked like crescent moons. Felix wished he could-

"You should take a picture, it'll last longer." Chan suddenly said.

Holy shit balls..

"Oh! Uh.. sorry-" Felixs face was surely a tomato by now, the heat rushing to his already
flustered face.

Then Chan laughed, and not to be dramatic or anything, but his laugh caused Felixs face to light up. It was like hearing a soft, comforting melody.

Chan looked at Felix again, who was now smiling like an idiot. I mean, they both were.

"Freckles.." Chan mumbled

"What?" Felix asked, but he definitely heard him.

shit, the sweat from dance must've made my concealer rub off..

"Nothing.." Chan said, still studying the others face.

Felix looked down out of embarrassment. He never liked his freckles, they felt like imperfections littering his face. He finished his ramen, and got up to put his bowl in the sink. After he turned back around, Chans face was a mere 6 inches away from his.

Felix panicked, his eyes looking everywhere but at Chan.

"I uh- I should-"

"I like your freckles. They're cute."

Felix started into Chan's eyes, absolutely speechless. Chan then blinked a few times, and stepped back away from Felix.

"Sorry, I.. i'll see you later." Chan said, walking back to his room. Felix stayed there, leaning on the sink for a long while, his face now truly a tomato.

almost 150 reads!! tysm!! 💞💞
but chan calm down ur gay is showing 🌚🌚
fun fact- i have freckles too and i hate them lol, but felixs are so adorable 🥺

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