ticket contest

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(Her outfit)

The next day Olivia was sat in her English class right at the back of the room, exactly where she sat in every lesson, away from all the other children.

She, like always, silently got in with her work and was doing perfectly fine until her teacher Mr Maddox decided to pick on her.

"Mrs Bucket, do you know the difference between Was and Were or perhaps the difference between there their and they're?"

Olive just stared at her teacher. She hand no idea what the answer was and began to grow more and more nervous as the class all turned in their seats too look at her.

She looked down at her lap and shrugged her shoulders.

"Well then you need to be paying more attention in my class and at the end of the lesson I will ask you again and I expect the right answer" Mr Maddox told her sternly.

The class all giggled and pointed at her while she looked down, her hair falling over her face, covering her tear filled eyes and read cheeks that were flushed with embarrasment.

"What's wrong with you?"

She snapped her head up to look at the boy sat in front of her, he had a smirk on his ugly face. His name was Peter Langdon and he was the bully of the class and he made Olivia's life even worse than it already was.

"That was such an easy question your so stupid, even a year one could answer that" his group of friends all laughed and Olivia tired the hardest she could not to cry, over the years she had gotten pretty good at controlling it and hardly every cried.

Everyone picked on Olivia as she was the youngest of all the children in year two, she was six years old while most of the others had turned seven.
"Charlie bucket"

"Yes Mr Turpentine?"

"I shall need and assistant, come and give me hand"

On the other side of the school, Charlie rose up from his chair in science class and made his way over to the teachers desk at the front of the room.

"We have here nitric acid, gliserene and a special mixture of my own, together this horrible, dangerous stuff blows you up, mixed together in the right way as only I know how what do you think it makes?"

"I don't know sir"

"Of course you don't know because only I know, if you know and I didn't know then you'd be teaching me instead of me teaching you and to presumed a teachers teaching is persumtuous and rude, do u make myself clear?"

"Yes sir"

Some of the children laughed or giggled.

"Now mixed together in the right way these three highly dangerous ingredients make the finest wart remover in the world. The trick is to our them in, in equal amounts. Now Charlie you take the nitric acid and the gilserene" He said handing the two bottles over to Charlie " and I'll take my own special mixture you ready, good lad, pour"

At the same time they poured the ingredients into a white container till it made a loud explosion and the class errupted into cheers.

"Did we do it wrong?" Charlie asked fanning the smoke away from his face.

"No certainly not this is for very big warts"

There was commotion out side of the classroom, they could hear children yelling and running.

"What's going on out there?"

The science teacher walked away and opened up the classroom door, calling over one of the children.

"You Winkelman come here, what's happening?"

"Willy Wonka's opening his factory, he's gonna let people in"

"Are you sure"

"It was on the radio and his giving tons loads of chocolate away"

"Class dismissed"

Everyone scrambled out of their seats hurridly putting away their belongings.

"No, no its only for five people"

"Class un dissmissed"

Everyone slowly sat back down.

"He's hidden five golden tickets and the people who find them Will win the big prize"

"Where he hidden the tickets?"

"Inside five Wonka bars, you've gotta but Wonka bars to find them"

The kid ran off back into the hallway and the science teacher dissmissed his class again, everyone rushed out of their seats and out the door except for Charlie.

He walked back to his desk slowly packing away his stuff looking really down. He walked out of his classroom to see his sister stood there waiting for him.

"Ready to go home?"

She nodded and they took eachothers hand and made their way back home from school.

Later on that night everyone except Olivia was gathered around the small TV watching the news, they were talking about the golden tickets.

"There all crazy" Grandma Josephine said while doing her knitting.

"Shhh, the man's a genius, hell sell a million bars"

"Grandpa do you think I've got a chance to find one" Charlie hesitantly asked his grandpa Joe.

"One? I'm counting on you to find all five"

"Ones enough for me"

Olivia finished up her sweeping and she and Charlie went to bed. Because I their mother didn't give Olivia a bed Charlie had always shared his with her. They were sat up facing eachtoher after everyone else had fallen asleep both to excited about the golden tickets.

"Wouldn't that be something Livi to find a golden ticket and be able to go into Mr Wonka's factory?"

Olivia was an extremely shy girl. She never put her hand up in class, she never played with any of the other children and she barley ever spoke a word. The only time she would talk is when she was alone with Charlie.

"It would be great, and your birthday is coming up, if you get a ticket I bet you'll have a good time in the factory"

"And so will you because if I win, I'm taking you with me"

"Really? Why?"

"Because Livi your my sister and I love you, I want you to be happy"

"I love you too Charlie, goodnight"


The two siblings hugged eachtoher and eventually fell asleep.

Olivia BucketWhere stories live. Discover now