Chapter 1

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         Outside the window of the cab, the modern world looks nothing like the one Adam grew up in, and yet, on his way to join the only people he could ever truly call family, Adam felt at home, a word that even after all his time on earth, he continues to use lightly. He had not been to Morocco in some time, but as he watched the sandy streets and colourful markets drift by, it looked the same as it always had, untouched by time. Catching sight of something in an alley, Adam quickly asks the driver to pull over, thanking him kindly and making sure to leave a generous tip.

          Jogging a bit to catch up, Adam makes his way through the sandstone arches, watching the familiar figure of a women he had not seen in many years walk down the same alley only ten feet in front of him.

         "Why must you always walk like there is a fire under your ass, boss?" Adam muses with a smirk. The women pauses in her stride, turning to face him with a matching expression.

"Boy." She responds sarcastically, strategically choosing not to answer the question while nodding in greeting.

        "Old lady." Adam shoots back, a laugh already bubbling in his throat as he moves to hug the women before him. It's a brief hug, as they all are between the two, but no less comforting then any other. "How are you, it's been a while Andy."

"Don't go getting sentimental on me now Adam, you're starting to sound like Nicky." She responds, giving him a once over before turning and continuing on her way.

With a laugh, Adam shakes his head and follows behind her, smiling at her familiar antics.
"Come now Boss, no need to be hostile. You know I love you." Adam jokes, siding up with her and wrapping his arm around her shoulders, despite their sizeable height difference. She shoves him off almost immediately, pushing him for good measure.

Before he can retaliate, a bike speeds past the two, drifting sharply ahead of them before a blonde man they both know well steps off and smiles at them warmly.

"You good?" Booker asks, grinning at the two. Andy looks behind her, checking their surroundings in old habit before turning back to the man, offering the same smile back in greeting.

"Yeah." She replies, smirking over at Adam as Booker stashes the bike against the alley wall.

"Yeah?" Booker asks, also looking to Adam, whom only nods at the man before walking past.

"You travel?" Booker asks in the women's direction.

"I did," Andy replies, reaching into her bag and pulling out two items, "And I got you both something."
Adam turns so he is walking backwards and watching the two, grabbing the parcel Andy is holding out to him.

"What's that?" Booker asks, turning over the book Andy hands to him, "Ooh, first edition Don Quitxote. That couldn't have been cheep."

"It wasn't." Andy replies, winking at Adam as he slips his parcel into his back pocket.

"Enough with the foreplay already." Adam groans, rolling his eyes at the two before switching to a more serious tone, "so why are we here, Booker?"

"You do remember Surabaya eight years ago, right? The blonde asks, looking between the two.

"CIA, yeah." Andy replies.

"Yeah, well the guy who hired us, James Copley, he reached out." At Adams raised eyebrows he continued with, "He's freelance now." Adam shakes his head, already knowing the direction of the conversation and expecting it's outcome. He tunes out of Bookers speech, the one where he attempts to beg Andy to change her mind, Adam already knows she will, so he sees no point in listening in. Besides, Nicky already explained the situation to him, and where to meet, so he makes his way into the hotel ahead of the other two.

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