Untitled Part 1

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Hundreds of people flooded into the venue, a buzzing under Frank's skin and a slight taste of copper in his mouth. Showing a pass to the guards, he walks and takes his place near the front of the crowd. Frank spent a fair bit of money for the spot before he realized that he forgot backstage passes, but the transaction was already complete and there's nothing that could've been done. The sobbing of his wallet didn't matter right now, what mattered was that Frank made it here. After the opening band played, a silence fell over the crowd.

Light suddenly flooded the blacked stage, a blood-red overtaking every surface and there they were. First guitar, then drums, and finally Gerard. They looked better than any video or picture could capture. After the first song, the energy kept building. Singing every song slightly overwhelmed but that's why Frankie has his meds. Lights dance across the faces of all the, admittedly cute, boys, but even though Gerard is front and center, Frank's was attention way somewhere else. He was seeing Mikey in many lights, but especially one new light.

Usually, you see everyone make a joke out of Mikey, making fun of his old hair, his resting face, and how he displayed emotions, Frank has to admit that has joked about his hair, but after all, he's learned about him, Frank thinks he's a cool dude. But now? He had this energy that I've never seen from him, his expression mixed with the way he sways while playing guitar, the fucking power stance, he seemed like a completely different person. He seemed so fucking powerful.

He looked like he would fucking kick your teeth in with zero hesitation.

Frank was amazed by the way Mikey held himself, his focus on his guitar showing the care he had for the music, the slow swaying gave off this cocky energy like he knew he would win in any fight, that he could have someone begging for mercy in a few hits. Distracted, Frankie was singing along on pure autopilot. Snapping out it for a second, he patted his pockets before quickly grabbing his cracked phone, starting to record. Frank's short, so he can't see much (so glad this is also being professionally recorded), but he needed something to capture this feeling. The way this man is presenting himself.

Adrenaline pumping through his veins gave him a floaty feeling, body becoming heavy. As Frank recorded, it struck him that he had seen warnings about this. Trying to recall what the posts said, he notices as Mikey approaches the front of the stage, watching as he puts his foot down. The fog in his head made everything seem like it was in slow motion as Mikey leaned back his attention turning to the front of the crowd. As Frank's brain caught up, he realized the attention was purely on him. His face seemed like he was gonna beat the shit out of him and Frank's last thought was "god I want him to punch me" as he fell to the floor. Everything seemed to blend, shapes melding together. A thump on the floor seems to echo through his head, echoing off the walls of his skull. Frank blinks once, twice, and can see someone walk towards him, a red blob under a skin like blob, a feeling of urgency in the air. Then those arms effortlessly lift him from the floor. An arm around Frank's back, his own over what he thinks is shoulders, a hand gripping his. The fleeing of his own feet hitting the floor is dull in Frank's brain; ankles unstable with every step, only a solid body and strong arms to support him.

Frank's center of balance shifts as he feels something soft on against his back. Trying to figure out where he is with only choppy memories, attempting to turn his head. It just falls to the other side, dark drapes over his sight, body giving in to the exhaustion.

With blurry vision, he looks at his surroundings, simple shapes turning into medical equipment as his vision sharpened. An IV drip on his right, some type of monitor on his left, and the empty feeling of loneliness in his chest. A new wave of tiredness washing over Frank, the sound of small mumbles in the background lulling him to sleep, sound of steps rounding where he lay. Under the assumption of it being a medic, it goes ignored as he closed his eyes.

"Hey, are you okay?"

Frank opened eyes to see who's speaking, greeted by blond hair and a fuzzy face.

"Oh shit, hi Mikey"

The small smile he received released some tasty serotonin. The small hello in response to my greeting just proved that this was too good to be true.

"Man, if you told me this morning, that Mikey Way would make me faint, I don't think I would believe you. Like, the way he looked at me was fucking beautiful."

An odd look fell over dream Mikey's face, "I-."

"Oh my god, you look so adorable. I hope I don't forget this all."

"I'm sure that I won't..." a small mumble escaping Mikey as he stood up, seeming to be looking for something.

"God, you're so beautiful, I can't fully see you, but I know that you're beautiful. You always are," a lopsided small overtaking Frank's face, "man, I love dreams."

"Oh," a giggle reverberated in the room. He turned back, a grin stretched across his face, as look the cap off something. Frank felt the weird spongey material of a sharpie on his arm, fumes reaching a pierced nose making him laugh. Frank quickly shut up once cold air falls on his arm, too quickly whipping his head around to see Mikey blowing on his arm. His head caught up to the rest of him, a wave of slight nausea in his stomach. Sitting up and seeing the state Frank was in, Mikey looked worried. He got close to my face trying to make sure he's okay, eyes wide and scanning his face. The proximity brings him back to earth, sight focusing on the man in front of him.

"Your eyes are so pretty," Frank said, looking into his eyes, noticing the darker brown on his right. Another toothy smile split across Mikey's face, Frank could finally see the slight red on the other's cheeks. "And your little vampire teeth."

Mikey leaned back, doing one more check that the spaced-out man was okay, his eyes lingering on Frank's arm. Looking to it, he sees numbers, "man, I wished I had Mikey's number for real."

Hearing his name called, Mikey left with a small wave and a quick bye. Soon, Frank fell back to the void of unconsciousness.

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