Chapter 2 - Group Dance?

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I dragged myself home and just flopped on my bed. I can't believe Satoshi had the nerve to give me advice like that and then went and acted all lovey-dovey with Nakashima when I was right there! I wonder if he's ever heard the expression 'get a room' because it sure didn't look like it!

Besides that, like always, Ayumi was on my mind. The way she snapped at me back there at the lockers... Maybe Satoshi was right and I should just keep my distance for a while. I might as well not even go to that stupid dance they were talking about. Even if things had been going fine, I don't think Shinozaki would've gone with me even if I'd asked. She was too busy fantasizing about my best friend to even notice I was there. Or should I say, I was more of a nuisance that prevented her from hanging out with him as often as she'd like. Satoshi was lucky; girls always after him, decent grades and a steady life. Then you had me; a delinquent who everyone hates and who works part time to support himself. Yeah, the results of me asking her to that dance were pretty clear. It's not like I ever attended school dances anyway. As far as I was concerned, without a date, it's a waste of time.

I'd usually just go for extra hours at work during those times, you know, so I would be doing something that was actually productive in my life! I worked at a music store and I even play a few instruments. During breaks, I'd often choose one of the few and practice for a little bit. There's a really nice guitar in the shop that I've set aside and am saving up for! Just another week or two and I'd have enough savings to get it!

I checked the time and decided if I had nothing better to do, I'd might as well go to music store and wait for my shift to start. My phone buzzed in my pocket as I started walking there. I took it out to see that they needed a replacement at work. How convenient for me since I was heading there anyway. I got there, dropped off my things in the staff room and went out for work.

Not many people were coming in today; the shop was pretty quiet. I went on break and took hold of that guitar I've been saving up for. It was a nice hand-made acoustic. The type that you could plug into an amplifier too! I tuned it before beginning to strum a few chords.

"Oi Kishinuma! Somebody wants you back out there!" One of my coworkers called to me.

"I'm on break!" I called back. During break I wanted to relax and play some music and NOT deal with customers.

"Can you just come anyway?" He called back. I sighed, rolling my eyes. I set the guitar to the side of the wall and made my way to the door. Shinozaki stood just a few feet away.

"I thought I might find you here..." Ayumi started. Wait, why was she here? I'm surprised she even knew I worked here; I thought all she cared about was what Satoshi did.

"Yeah, ok and? Did you need something?" I looked down at her. I never really realized how short she was. Just another trait that made her more and more adorable!

"Um.... yeah.... I'm sorry for blowing up at you like that this morning. Although, I did mean what I said about backing off. Why are you so, so overprotective of me anyway?" I felt slightly better about the whole situation with her apologizing, but it kinda stung that she wanted me to keep my distance. I wanted to answer her questions with because I love you but I don't think that's what she wants to hear. After a moment of silence she sighed. "I have to go now. I'll see you around Kishinuma!" Ayumi said adjusting her coat.

"Hey, Shinozaki....come to school tomorrow." Ayumi looked at me for a moment, then nodded. She waved goodbye and I went back to practice. I planned on at least bringing up the dance (which is the reason I asked her to come to school), even if I didn't have the courage to ask her out yet. Hopefully things will just fall into place naturally.

Just as Kishinuma had told me to, I came in to school the next day. We went back to the usual seating arrangements at lunch. I kinda wondered why he wanted me to come to school anyway. I mean if it had to do with grades, I shouldn't be the one he's worried about.

"So, um, Shinozaki, the Sugar Night dance is coming up soon..." I could already see where this was headed.

"Yeah, it'll be fun! We should all go together!" I chirped and his face reddened as he looked down at the table. His hand flew to try and hide his red face. It was just a dance; what was he so flustered about?

"Y-yeah I was thinking the same thing..." He said quietly. I looked at Satoshi. By making this a group thing, I had the chance to finally cozy up with him! I mean, he probably already asked Nakashima, but this would even us out! Maybe I could even push Naomi and Kishinuma together if it came down to it!

"Well, tomorrow's Saturday so how about we go dress shopping class rep?" Naomi smiled at me. I quickly agreed. It'd be good if I could try and force her onto Yoshiki and pry her off of Satoshi in advance. Even if I couldn't force her onto Kishinuma, it didn't matter! As long as I got her away from Mochida! I stared up at his dreamy eyes. I could feel my face burn hotter the longer I stared at him. He wasn't paying any attention to me though, and was happily conversing with Nakashima. It really pissed me off that she had him wrapped around her little finger so easily. I mean honestly, besides a rack and height, what did she have that I didn't? Ok, never mind that was probably enough to make any guy fall head over heels. I sighed looking at my small chest and tiny figure. Really pathetic how I, a 17 year old girl was still undeveloped at a height of 4 feet 11 inches. I suddenly felt very self-conscious just looking at Nakashima.

"Maybe we should go suit-shopping then Yoshiki!" Satoshi's voice snapped me out of my thoughts. Even his voice was soft and dreamy. I was truly head over heels for him and nobody could change that!

"Eh, why not..." Yoshiki said in a rather glum tone. Ugh what was his problem?Seriously! What was so bad about suit-shopping anyway? He made it sound like it was a waste of time. He should be happy just to have such an awesome guy as his best friend! Thinking more and more, his reaction really angered me, but I stayed calm. I couldn't just loose it in front of the guy I like or else I'd NEVER have a chance.

. . .

The bell ending last period finally rang and I pushed my way through the hallway just like the others. I was going to the library to do my homework; it was always a quiet and peaceful place. Luckily, we hadn't gotten too much homework this weekend so I'd have plenty of time to find the perfect dress that would catch Mochida's eye! The best plan was to look at the dresses Naomi was thinking of trying on. If he likes Naomi, then maybe if I dressed like her I'd be just as good!

Suddenly an image of Heavenly Host flashed through my mind. Naomi hugging Satoshi for dear life in a custodian's closet. The memory angered me. I'd been getting these random flashes lately and it was really starting to freak me out. I hadn't told anybody yet and didn't intend on doing so unless it got too horrific for me to handle. For now I'd just have to deal with them though and try my best to get my mind off of it completely. I wished I could reset everything and bring everyone back, but fact was that I couldn't. In my memories, my friends shall live on forever and they'd be walking with me every with every step I take, watching over me like guardian angels. I would follow Ms. Yui's last wishes and stay strong and live on. All I could do was keep moving forward and I intended to do so in both my friendships and relationships region. I know that it'll be hard to win Satoshi's heart, but it wasn't totally impossible. And that bit of possibility was enough to keep me motivated to keep trying!

A/N: It's still New Years Eve where I am, but for those of you who already started 2015, Happy New Year ^.^ I'm surprised to see that some people are actually reading this! It makes me happy to know you like it! Anyways, hope you enjoyed Chapter 2! See you in the new year <3

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