Chapter 1

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-Limburger's Tower-- Karbunkle's Lab-
-Throttle's POV-

Me and the bros got captured by Karbunkle's newest machine that cuffed our wrists and ankles and lifted us into the air. Karbunkle also used his giant magnet on our bikes to prevent them from helping us.
"Welcome rodents to your imminent demise," said Limburger as he enter the room with an evil grin on his face.
"How's this our imminent demise?" said Vinnie.
"Like this," said Limburger as he motioned to Karbunkle as he then pressed a button that opened a pit of lava under them and flipped a switch that started lowering them down into it as Karbunkle laughed.
"Geez. I know I'm hot, but not this hot," said Vinnie as we started struggling against our chains.
"Now with them out of the way I can finally take and destroy Chicago," laughed Limburger.

-Outside Limburger Tower on a nearby roof-
-Unknown POV-
"I'm going in," she said into her earpiece as she put her helmet on and started reving up her bike.
"Be careful," said a voice on the other line. She then let go of the brake and launched herself off the roof and crashed into the glass window.

-Inside the Limburger Tower -
- Throttles POV -

Just as we were about to meet our end an unknown biker crashed through the window and started shooting at Limburger and Karbunkle causing them to flea from the area.
"Who is that?" asked Modo curiously.
"I don't know but I think it's on our side," I answered. The biker came to a halt in front of the control panel and flipped a switch and pressed a button that lifted us up and closed the door to the lava pit. The biker then pressed another button that caused the machine to uncuffed us. Me, Modo, and Vinnie walked up to the biker and saw that it was wearing leather black pants, a grey shirt, and a long red coat with its left sleeve missing revealing a metal arm. Until I saw Greasepit coming behind the biker.
"Look out behind you," I shouted pointing behind her. But I was too late as Greasepit already took a hold of the biker.
"Not another step mice or your friend gets fried," said Greasepit as he held a gun to the biker's neck and struggled to keep a hold of the biker.
"Let me go you oversized oil spill," said the biker as the biker then hit Greasepit's face with the back of their head causing the biker's helmet to come off revealing long white hair. An caused Greasepit to let go as he held his broken nose. The biker then grabbed his hand and flipped him over their shoulder an onto the control panel for the magnet. Causing it to let go of our bikes.
"Your a girl," said Vinnie as he started leaning into her face.
"Yeah I'm a girl gotta problem with that," she retorted causing Vinnie to step back a little.
"Not at all ma'am," said Modo. She wasn't like any mouse I've seen before. She looked more like a giant jerboa with how her legs and tail were. She had longer ears, grayish cream colored fur, her right eye was orange and her left eye was blue, long white hair with beads in it and a few feathers, had two ear piercings in her left and one in her right, and had a metal left arm and tail with small tuff of fur on the end. An because of how her feet were her height was between mine and Modo's. An her bike looked similar to a wolf and was stainless steel.
"Who are you?" I asked walking closer to her.
She put her hand up and said "I'm sorry but that'll have to wait till the next time we meet. You see I put some of my explosives at the base of this building and they are about to go off any minute," as she then motioned her metal hand to the floor.
"Then let's get moving," I said as me, Modo, and Vinnie ran to our bikes and hopped on. As we were doing that she picked up her helmet, put it on, and mounted her bike. We followed her out of the broken window and landed on a nearby roof. The bros and I looked back at Limburger's tower and watched as it exploded. After that we looked back to where the female biker was only to realized she was nowhere in sight. We then decided to go back to The Last Garage and tell Charlie about what just happened.

Hey guys BMFM Sonic here. I finally finished this story's first chapter after months of writers block. I hope you liked it and I will post the next chapter in two weeks. See ya then.

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