Your stubbornness

Start from the beginning


“I'm going to the car.” If you don’t go down in ten minutes, I’ll be back, break down the door and pull you out of the scruff! - shouts Link and goes down.

Link sits in the car, smokes the first cigarette, and looks at his watch. The door to the right of the driver opens exactly after ten minutes.For so many years of working with the Ming family, this is turning into a kind of tradition.Yoongi knows that Link doesn’t rush into words and always carries out threats. Link knows that Yoongi comes on time.

- How infuriating! - the first thing Yungi gives out, sitting in the front seat next to the driver. “Why don't you and my fathers leave me alone?”

- How bears from you! - Link frowns squeamishly and opens the window.

- I had good sex, you know, while you hollowed the door. And maybe now there would be a second call if you had not torn me from such an interesting activity, ”Yungi muttered displeasedly and reaches for Link’s cigarettes.The latter casually hits one on the arm and selects a pack.

- Listen, your father is very angry, - Link drives out of the center onto the road. “You were warned a week ago that there would be an important dinner, and you, as a member of the family, should also be present there.”
What the hell are you running into? Why do I need to go in the middle of the night and look for you among your many friends? Why was it impossible to come to dinner and sit there an hour? Who are you fighting with? Who are you proving to? - Link speaks calmly, takes out a second cigarette and does not even look at Mina.

“Well, I'm sorry,” Yungi mutters. “You know how I can’t stand all this, and then, Gene is there, he represents with dignity all the children of my father.” - Yoongi turns to Link and builds a begging face. - You will loop for a long time? And we will come when the dinner is over? - asks the guy.

Link grabs his face with his palm and jokingly pushes him to the car door.

“Oh, someday there will be an alpha on you that will teach you good behavior,” Link says to himself as if to himself and turns off to a gas station.The gas in the car is a full tank. But you can buy coffee in the store, wait until Min walks through the rows and picks up chips. This will help to kill thirty minutes. Plus, another forty minutes drive, and dinner will be over.


Yoongi is the son of Ming Dae-jung, the country's president. It was already the third year since Dae-jung was in power. Zhong's husband is Ban Shi Hyuk. Earlier, Heck served as deputy minister of health of the country, but resigned after the birth of his second child.Dae Jung went a long way from an assistant judge of the country's constitutional court to the Minister of Justice. As a minister, he won great respect from the masses for his honesty and integrity. It was universal love and great support from those around him that pushed him to run for the upcoming presidential election. 
Zhong's predecessor was highly corrupt and had close ties with criminal groups, both domestically and abroad.
He resigned as a result of three-month mass protests calling for his resignation. In the new elections announced after the resignation, Zhong won with an absolute majority.
True, he regretted the idea of ​​joining President Zhong as soon as he came to power.  A lot of problems remained from the predecessor, such as corrupt officials, an unprecedented increase in crime and, most importantly, an almost empty treasury.
If the current head of state was slowly coping with the latter, making bets on the development of agriculture and information technology, then the remaining problems were more difficult.Zhong came to power for the first time in the last twenty years in the country as a result of the choice of the people.
Prior to that, the head of the country was elected and elected by representatives of criminal groups.
That is why, immediately after the election, Zhong received threats and calls to renounce power, or to be a pawn in the hands of the heads of criminal gangs.
But for the third year, Zhong managed to maintain power and at the same time not dance to anyone's tune. True, deep down he hoped that the remaining two years of the five-year term would fly by just as quickly, and this overwhelming burden could be thrown off.

The number one enemy, both the current president and the whole country, according to Zhong himself, was Kim Namjoon, nicknamed "Monster", and his henchman - Kim Tekhen.And this, too, was part of Zhong’s inheritance, inherited from the previous leader of the country.

For several years, the country was de facto led by three groups, two of them in the last year of the previous president’s reign united and liquidated the third. Thus, after combining the groups of Namjoon and Tekhen, the drug cartel The Red Bullet was officially born. This name was given to the cartel by the press, since at the crime scene the representatives of the cartel always left a bullet painted in red, often in the victim’s blood. Taken was responsible for overseeing drug production, controlled militants, and negotiated locally.

Namjun, as the head of the cartel, appointed local territorial leaders, formed alliances and organized high-profile killings.  The nickname "Monster" Namjun received for his methods of punishment. When making a mistake by one person of the local department, the whole department was responsible. Moreover, if a person’s guilt was so great that he was sentenced to death, then not only he, but also his family was destroyed, so everyone always knew in advance what they were doing if they betrayed the cartel.

The main forces of the cartel were outside the capital. Namjoon had nine leaders in various cities of the country. Each of them was responsible for their territory, they were also involved in the direct production of cocaine, the transportation of goods, the protection of the cartel, and led punitive groups.

Each appointed head of the department performed the functions strictly prescribed from above. All this was done for security reasons. The heads of local departments were in no way connected with each other. Only a leader could go out to one of the higher ones.If even a government agent was introduced into one of the departments or a pogrom was organized, then everything they learned concerned only the activities of this particular department, and not the entire cartel.

Formally, neither the Namjun nor his henchmen of the state had anything. Kim Namjoon bought land all over the country to launder his income from drug trafficking. He also invested in various projects in the IT sphere, and thus, in appearance, Kim Namjoon was simply one of the most influential and large businessmen in the city.

Over the past two years, Zhong has stepped up the fight against The Red Bullet drug cartel and even managed to put several of his representatives behind bars.However, more than half of those convicted suddenly died before the trial.

A gift was sent to Zhong's inauguration from Namjoon too. It was a pocket watch in white gold. The watch was strewn with diamonds, rubies, emeralds, sapphires and semiprecious stones
Also, a phrase was carved on the lid, which infuriated the usually able to keep cool Zhong - "Nothing lasts forever."Zhong was then struck by the arrogance and rudeness of his enemy, and the gift was immediately returned to the giver. After this incident, the longer paths of the legal and non-legal leaders of the city did not intersect. Up to this day. 

Today, Zhong’s writing desk contained a draft document already approved by parliament, by signing which the president will change the life of the country and its people. According to this document, if the offender used to receive a maximum of twenty years for crimes related to drug trafficking, now the punishment for the production, possession and sale of drugs, as well as a potent substances, there will be a life sentence.
The president could impose a weak veto and return the law to Parliament for reconsideration, or impose a strong veto and finally block it. 
Zhong, while still the Minister of Justice, devoted almost ten years of his life to this law, and now that almost all the lines have been crossed, he was sitting in his office and re-reading the document for the hundredth time. A week later, in the presence of the press and the entire government, Zhong must put his signature on it.

Just in the morning, the president received an envelope in which there was nothing besides the red bullet.

( I hope you enjoy it. I am only learning English, so most likely there will be many mistakes. Sorry . ) 🍓

monster in me. ( English translation)Where stories live. Discover now