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Being the sister of Anne Bonny was hard work alone, tie that in with being a pirate as well made it 10 times harder. Ruby had followed Anne to what she liked to call 'the end of world', realistically this was simply the island of Nassau which they now both called home when they weren't on board the ship.

Ruby had always been the difficult one. She had a fiery temper like Anne, but didn't know when to keep her mouth shut. Boy, did that get her into a spot of trouble when they first landed on the shores of the pirate inhabited land. Fortunately, the two sisters where smart, and Anne had been raised as a boy until their fathers real wife found out about their existence. So she was gifted with a sword, something she continued to practice even after they moved to Carolina at a young age. As for Ruby, she was a sure shot with a gun, could put a bullet between a mans eyes blindfolded, as well as one in each ball, and she was even better when it came to throwing knives. Sure, Anne had taught her how to use a cutlass, but Ruby preferred combat from a distance.  She was crafty, too. Witty, with a silver tongue that confused even the smartest of men. She was intelligent, too, skills she undoubtedly learnt and inherited from her father. They made a good team, Anne was the brawn and she was the brain. Together, they managed to steal quite a lot from the citizens of Nassau, that was until Captain Charles Vane caught them.

They got off light, and they knew it. Charles Vane, and his crew, had quite the reputation. Vicious and fearsome pirates that should never be crossed, but Anne and Ruby didn't really know who they where stealing from. Just that this tent on the beach had enough pearls to feed them for at least a year and then some, and the two where like magpies when it came to shiny things and survival. The captain however, impressed that they had got this far, and slightly drunk, offered them a different solution instead.

The crew at first where not at all happy. Not one, but two females on board?! Had the captain gone mad?! They rebelled slightly, when one tried to take Anne to bed, and Ruby stuck a knife in the back of his head, they both thought Charles would have them walk the plant, but instead they earned respect amongst the other members and so learnt to keep their paws to themselves.

All except Jack of course, who, in his eccentric persona, managed to find a soft spot for Anne and the two could constantly be seen together which only meant bad news. The couple had a tendency to plot and scheme, concocting plans that would undoubtedly land them both, if not the whole crew, in trouble. Anne managed to reel Jack in a bit as their relationship furthered luckily, fearing that if the quarter master fucked up once more Vane would be wearing the mans balls around his neck.

But Charles Vane wasn't all large and daunting, not to Ruby anyway. Whilst Anne and Jack found themselves together, so did Ruby and Vane. She had snuck into his tent countless of times and he had welcomed her with open arms, even after nights he had spent with Eleanor, the girl would always find her way to him, often falling asleep in his bed when he was gone. He would find her on return and not question her presence as he climbed in next to her. Though she would never admit it, she hated sharing him with that Guthrie bitch. Anne had told her sister countless of times to stick a sword through her ribs, simply forgetting that Eleanor Guthrie was the reason they received payment. Ruby didn't forget that though, and always put the lives of the crew and her family above her own. She was selfless in some ways at least, though that didn't stop her from telling the blonde how she felt about her.

"You're crown is slipping Eleanor, want me to polish it for you?"

"Fuck you, Ruby."

"Daddy's fucking Princess aren't ya? Want me to fetch you a silver spoon or do you have one still stuck up your arse?"

This of course had been going on for years, so much so that Eleanor even tried to get Flint to recruit Ruby onto his ship in a way to get her from Charles. Of course, Ruby laughed, patted the man on the cheek and strolled away without another word. She knew the other woman was behind such action, she could tell by the look on Flint's face and the lack of eye contact that he didn't want her as part of his crew, no matter how much of an asset she may have been.

Ruby Bonny may have been a woman, the forgotten sister of Anne, but underneath it all she was a storm encaged in skin. She was as clever as the devil and twice and pretty, so much so that some called her a witch which the ability to cast spells on weak men. She was chaotic and lawless with an attraction to anarchy, and what's what made her name fall often from the lips of folk in wonder.

And let's face it, well behaved women rarely make history.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2020 ⏰

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