Part 2: Chica and Foxy

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Hey guys! I'm going to start using the POV (Point Of View) on the characters.Hope you like it!
[ Chica's POV ]
After our last song of the day, which was around 4, I snuck to Pirate Cove. Freddy doesn't let me or Bonnie go to or even near Pirate Cove. " I don't want you or Bonnie going into that monster's home! He's nothing but a disgrace and I don't want you or Bonnie sneaking in there and get your face ripped of like he did to that little girl in 1987! Do you understand me? No one goes in there, and that's final!" That's what Freddy told me when I asked if I could go see Foxy,but I don't care anymore. I just needed to see Foxy again after 3 years.
I snuck backstage and made my way to Pirate Cove. I was so scared I was going to get caught by Freddy! I waited outside of the curtain leading into Pirate Cove. I was breathing so hard that I was surprised that Foxy didn't hear me.
I peaked my head in the curtain and whispered,"Foxy? Foxy, can you hear me? It's me, Chica. I was just checking in on you to make sur-" " Arghhhh! What do ye need, lassy?", he replied back. I got so scared and didn't know what else to do but scream. So I screamed. " Ahhhhh!!" "What are ye scared of, matey," he asked me, with his hook pointing up.
I was at loss of words out of fright that, when I tried to speak, I stuttered, feeling like a complete idiot in front of Foxy. "Ummm... I.. I ... I didn't mean.... I mean I'm sorry that...," were the only words I could say. "Ughhh why am I such a dork!", I said under my breath. I face palmed myself for being such a loser. "Aye, lassy. You don't hav' t' be scared of me.", he told me in a comforting tone.
I sighed in relief that he didn't think I was a complete and utter dork. I gave him a smile, but it made me blush a little which made me give him an awkward smile. After that we just sat down and talked for a while and ate pizza. Then I heard Bonnie laughing really hard about something.
"Those two love-bugs, Freddy and Bonnie, are flirting again," I thought to myself. I wish Foxy loved me like Freddy and Bonnie love each other. That's the beginning of every question I ask myself: if only...
I jumped up because I lost track of time. "Oh no! If it becomes 6 o'clock I'm not back, Freddy will kill me!", I thought to myself. I worriedly looked around for a clock, and I found one, but it was so dark in there, I couldn't see it. I asked Foxy what time it was, and he said I don't know. Thanks for the help, buddy! Ughhh!
He told me to just leave so that I don't get in trouble, so I did. But since I thought I wouldn't see him for another 3 years, I ran back and did what I had to do. I kissed him! On the cheek though, sadly. I've always wanted to do that but I couldn't, I was too scared before. I looked at him and all he did was hang his tongue out. It just hung there, which I thought was kinda silly. I ran back out the curtains, and I looked back at him and waved goodbye. He was still hanging his tongue out.
Once I was out I jumped and squealed in joy. I was so happy I just did that! I finally kissed Foxy! I still wondered what he thought of it, though, since he never said anything.
I happily skipped back to the kitchen and started baking. I was smiling the whole time I did it.Don't judge, I bake when I'm happy. Or sad, or mad...but whatever! The only thing I thought was important was me finally kissing Foxy!
[ Foxy's POV ]
I was just sittin' ther' in me home, Pirate Cove, hearin' Chica, Bonnie, and Freddy perform for the children fer what seemed to be the millionth time. I kinda miss acting for the lil' pirates, hearing them cheer when I came on stage, but since 1987, I couldn't even step foot out of Pirate Cove. I walked over to me little pirate boat from when I used to perform and sat down on it. I placed me hand under my chin, just thinkin' how nice it would be to see th' whole Freddy Fazbear's restaurant again.
I heard footsteps outside of the curtains, so I got up, tiptoed over to the curtains, and waited for the intruder to come into me home. I waited there quietly, and heard th' thing breathin' so hard. Did it run a marathon before comin' her'? After 5 minutes of waiting and hearin' the "thing" breathe really hard, it's head popped through the curtains and it started talkin'.
I couldn't hear what it was sayin', and I didn't really care, I just wanted to kill this thing for sneakin' into me home. Since I knew it wasn't Freddy, Bonnie, Chica, or Mike ( one of me best mates who is the night guard ), I raised my hook and swung down.
That's when I realized it was Chica and stopped. I heard the lassie scream and I asked her what she needed, acting like I wasn't gonna chop her head off. The lassie started mumbling to herself and stuttering, which made me kinda confused. I told her ther' was nothin' to worry about, which calmed her down. She started to blush a lil', which I thought was kinda cute of the lassie, but I didn't show how I felt.
After that we ate pizza and talked for a bit. The lassie was like a sister t' me, so I could never like her, could I? Anyways,I don't know why that idiot Freddy keeps me in here, it's not like meant to bite th' little girl's frontal lobe off. Then I heard Bonnie laughing her head off outside. I pretended like I didn't hear it, but I did. Sounded like Bonnie and Freddy were flirtin' again. I wish I had someone t' love. That seems like th' only thing I start me questions with: I wish...
The lassie suddenly stood up fast and looked at the clock on the wall, which I think was hard for her since it was so dark in Pirate Cove, and frantically asked," Foxy, what time is it!?" I told her I didn't know and she said," I think it's almost 6! Freddy and Bonnie are probably looking for me! If they find out where I am, I'm toast!" " Why don't ye leave then, lassie? Save yerself trouble with Freddy," I told 'er.
She quickly jumped up and ran out th' curtains. Then, strangely, she ran back, and kissed me on th' cheek! It was glorious and I just sat ther' with my tongue hangin' out like an idiot. She giggled and ran out again, looking back at me and wavin'. I just sat ther' for about 20 minutes, trying to figure out what just happened. I don't know what I felt, but all I know is that I liked it. I liked it a lot.

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