"So chica, you're parked in my spot and you know damn well it's mine?" Nico says in the most husky, deep, sexy voice I have ever heard. He has a bit of an accent, did I mention sexy? Which is weird because I hate those kind of accents. "Yes, I'm parked in a spot that doesn't have you're fucking name on it so if you don't mind, I'll be going now." That's when he looks me up and down biting his lip while walking closer towards me and I think my heart melts. Fuck he looks hot when he bites his lip.

"Are you sure you wanna do that, sweetheart?" he whispers in my ear as he backs me up onto my car. I start to blush. You can tell he has kind of a dangerous aura going for him and I'm starting to regret not moving my car. There's now a crowd around us watching. I hear some people in the corner start whispering "did she really just tell Nico no?" And I start to realize that maybe I shouldn't say no. Especially since I don't know this school yet, and Nico seems to be the one running it. He could make my life a living hell for fuck sake!

"N-no, I'll move. Okay. Sorry." I stutter as I hastily move away from him. "I didn't catch your name, mi amor." He smirks at me with a fiery glint in his eyes.

"Ireland, my name is Ireland." I tell him quickly while trying to unlock my car. "Nicolás is my name hermosa. I guess I'll see you later then." And with his final words I sped off so fast before someone could stop me. I eventually found a parking space and went into the school and made my way to the office. I got my schedule and got to my first class.

"Hello, I am Mr. Hughes and I will be your teacher for chemistry this semester. You can go and take a seat next to Ms. Hill." So I went and sat in the only free seat left. "Hi, I'm Sofía, you must be the new girl Ireland. I heard about you." How in the hell did she hear about me if I just got here? "And how exactly did you hear about me?" I asked her. "Oh, because you're the girl that took Nico's spot. No one ever crosses Nico and since you're new I just figured it was you."

"Well shit, this is bad." I said. "No don't worry, I'll explain to you the do's and don'ts and you should be fine. Just meet me in the cafeteria at lunch. Okay?"

"Alrighty." I said while smiling at her. I think this day is finally turning around for me.
As I got to the school cafeteria I looked around for Sofía. I saw her sitting at a table with a couple other people. "Hey," I said as I got up to her. "Oh my god! Guys, this is the famous Ireland. Be nice to her, okay?" There were three guys and one other girl sitting but they didn't introduce themselves. Kind of just gave me a half assed hi and went back to eating. It's like they didn't even acknowledge my presence. "Don't mind them, they're just pendejos." Sofía said as she rolled her.

"It's all good," I laughed not knowing exactly what a pendejo was. "So who exactly was the Nicolás guy anyways?" I asked Sofía.

"Listen Ireland, I need you to stay away from Nico. He's not a good guy and definitely not someone you want to mess with." She said. "Well I wasn't planning on messing with him after this morning, plus he felt kind of dangerous."

"Exactly!" She shouted. "That's the best word to describe Nico, dangerous. So just stay away from him. I don't want my new bestie getting hurt." I nodded at her and smiled. I have a new bestie! Probably not something I should be so happy about but I am. Now I know that I have someone to go to and I won't be an outcast.
Finally! Last period. Thank god, I can't wait to go home. I am now in academic math and I seem to be the first person here. Ms. Briggs, my teacher, told me to sit in this seat. I really hope that the person I sit next to is smart because my teacher told me that I have a project and I have to pair up with the person beside me. And I refuse to do all the work alone.

Students start filling the classroom and tables. The person that sits beside me must not be here today because they didn't show up.

"Mr. Rodriguez, you're late." I look up to see Nicolás walking towards my table and I start to feel scared for some reason. "Would you rather me have not shown up at all Ms. Briggs." He says with a smug look on his face. Ms. Briggs says nothing and goes on with what she was saying. Nicolás sits down at my desk and that's when I realize he'll be my partner for the project. Shit.

"So you're gonna be my partner for the project then chica?" He says to me. I guess Ms. Briggs gave out the project yesterday. "Yeah, I guess I am. Do you have any idea what you want the project to be on?" I say not looking him in the eyes. "No, I'll do whatever you wanna do bebé." I take a deep breath, gosh his accent is so sexy.

"Okay, well meet me at the library after school." I say. Nice, open, and very public place I think as the words repeat in my head of what Sofía told me. "He's not a good guy, and definitely not someone you want to mess with."

Well this should be interesting.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2015 ⏰

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