Chapter 2 - Tate

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It tares me apart seeing Violet walking around the house, her shoulders shrugged and a blank emotionless expression plastered on her face. She's not happy right now, it's clear to see all the joy has been sucked out of her.

The other ghosts have picked up on her bad mood and even try to avoid her. I can't bear to see her cut herself away from the people who live in this house, isolating herself in a bubble of sadness.

I just want to go up to her and tightly wrap my arms around her small fragile torso, encasing her in a large loving hug. When I have her wrapped snuggled up into my arms then I'll never again let her go.

But I did something terrible . I completely destroyed our relationship and ruined any possible future we could have had together. Now, I have to wait for her to forgive me, but I know that I don't deserve to be forgiven and win my beloved Violet back. I know that I'm not good enough for her and that I really screwed up.

I was so stupid back then, but I will prove to Violet that I love her even if that means waiting for an eternity for her to forgive me.

It's her birthday today and I can't believe that she's turning 37, I really thought today she might be happy but the dark cloud that looms over her head only gets darker as every year passes.

I bought her a present this year, the first one I'm giving her in 20 years. I don't really know what made start buying her gifts again but I think it was when I remembered how sad she was when all her cigarettes ran out. You see, Violet can only buy cigarettes once a year on all hallows night and when there finished then that's it till next year.

It's not much but last Halloween I bought her 3 packs of her favourite cigarettes and a new black hat. I know how much she loves those hats.

I still feel incredibly guilty about the fact that Violet is so depressed and upset all the time. This is all my fault if there was a way of going back in time and fixing this all then, believe me, I would do it, but there is no going back.

I hate the monster that I helped to create, he is my son, my own flesh and blood but he is pure evil. Mum will corrupt him but I couldn't care less. He is 20 years old and he has already killed hundreds of people.

They called me a monster, a cold-blooded killer and a psychopath but I do regret my actions in life and in death. I have changed no matter what anyone says. Violet has changed me.

That monster who I regrettably call son enjoys killing, more than I ever did. The only regret he feels is that he never killed as many people as he wanted to. I can't bear to look at him as it just reminds me of the biggest mistake I've ever made in my existence. And even though he has come to visit me a few times I've always hidden somewhere he couldn't find me.

I'm not ready to be anyone's father, not now and not ever. My main priority is to pine over a girl who shall forever be my first and only true love. So that's me.

This is how I'll spend the rest of my existence waiting for an eternity, waiting for a girl I love to acknowledge me again even if it just for a moment. One moment that's all I want, but even I know that's too much to ask for. Not after all the pain, I put her through, not after what I did.

All this thinking about the past and what happened all those 20 years ago is giving me a massive headache. I think it's time to distract myself from all of my loud, obnoxious thoughts. Maybe I should try reading a book.

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