"Does that mean we're not coming back for him?!" One asked in alarm starting up another uproar. Teague shot off another shot this time at the foot of the men, just barely missing them.

"Stop your whining! It's not like we aren't circling back for him! But when the time comes it will be Jack's choice if he wishes to join the crew again as an official member or not." Jack Senior said also coming down from the helm.

Jack smirked up happily at his father and uncle thankful for the freedom they were presenting him. Jack smile never dropped as his father approached him. Teague stepped up to him and gave one of his rare fond smiles at his son. He gave him a strong pat on the shoulders and looked over the young man he'd raised. He's sure his wife would be just as proud as him.

"Son, you're finally going off on your own. Don't die." Teague said short and simple.

"Thanks dad, I'll miss you too." Jack said before he saw his sobbing uncle coming up to and dragging him into a hug.

"You be careful you hear! Eat all your fruits, least you get scurvy!" He said whimpering into Jack's shoulders. Full on ugly crying. If Jack didn't know any better he'd think his charm worked on his uncle too.

Teague put a strong hand on his brother's shoulder and yanked him back and away.

"Stop it! Your smothering the boy!" He said and Jack sent him a grateful nod before straightening up.

"Welp, this has been great, but I think we all should part before the navy take notice of your ship." Jack said knowing they'd landed in a town with a strong navy defense. His father thinking there was no better place to hide him from pirates.

"The boy be right, let's go lads!" Teague yelled heading back on the ship without ever looking back. The crew on the other hand were all blubbering and saying their finally goodbyes to Jack. Jack made a point not to directly touch their skin with his as he gave his goodbye hugs. Knowing the touch would make it even harder to say goodbye. He always made sure never to touch them with direct skin contact anyways just out of respect.

"Anyone not on the ship in the next two minutes will be left behind. Yes, you as well Jack!" Teague yelled at his crew and brother. That was enough to make them all scurry away in a hurry. Screaming over their shoulder's goodbye. Jack watched them sail away until they were almost entirely out of sight. Once they were gone he gave a small sigh before smiling widely at the bright lights of the town before him.

This was going to be great!




This was so not great.

Jack had not been into town even three days before he'd been arrested and thrown in jail. Surprisingly enough, not because of the great amount of pick pocketing he was doing, or food theft, or even for breaking into people's homes at night to have a place to sleep. Nope, he successfully got away with all of that.

He managed to get himself arrested for throwing rocks at navy officers. Which he hadn't even done! He knew better then to mess with the navy when he was supposed to be laying low. Apparently, he just happen to look like some kid that was doing that.

So now the soldiers thought it best for him to spend a couple nights in jail to teach him a lesson about being a good citizen.

Oh, if they only knew.

For the most part it wasn't so bad. He had a roof over his head at night and he didn't have to break into homes to get it, food in his belly he didn't have to steal, and access to a nightly wash. Which he didn't even have on his father's ship.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2020 ⏰

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