
39 4 4

Tagged by stanstraightkids

1. Nadia E(etc) S(shh)
2. Dancing and Writing
3. Sleep Talking by Charlotte Laurance prob more
4. Itzy
5. Dance group and do covers
6. Nope-
7. like 20? Or more but best friends verses friends is different
8. Depends on the teacher but kind of
9. English Language arts
10. Ohio
11. Yeah
12. Yes? But no? But yes
13. More then iron man's suit cost
14. None specifically I'm into lots buy Hayley kiyoko
15. Yes 3
16. Yuppers
17. Uhhhhhhhh zero-
18. Yeah but not as much anymore
19: singular
20: no one, my house is a nono, we can go out for food though? Actually no I'm not into human interaction-

I don't have many followings on here-

I got tagged twice-Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin