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Running out of breath,

drowning in the coldness of hearts,

I wait for the light to come find me.

The wind blows ringing my head,

rushing chaste through my finger gaps,

it chills me to the bone.

I've surrendered to your innocence once

letting my heart get spiraled

I've sunk in your grace as well.

Holding you in my thoughts,

I've took you in my dreams,

of lit fire balloons and chocolate river.

Hey! So do you think, you could hold me in your heart for just few more minutes?

You know I love you,

So where did the love that you once had inside go?

Weeks backwards from here,

you once loved this heart,

and chased the moon along, in cold nights.

Your heart once pumped for me

and today, it leaves mine,

just like in the autumn, leafs leave the branch of it's existence.

So what went wrong?

Why did you give up?

The guilt kicks in,

as you talk to soothe my empty heart

And on the course,

leaves your shadow of despair to burn aloud.

Bitterness sparks through my eyes,

knowing your disguise.

A sad song keeps alarming me,

day and night.

So I begin to walk to the edge of the world,

to only collapse on reality of your prevaricating eyes.

What made you so weak?

What made you so strong?

I walk the lonely road,

to run away from your sugar coated improbity

but in the halfway,

I stumble upon our ragged photograph of joy.

Was it really worth everything that we had once?

The sunlight feels like a ghost,

that's so far gone.

My eyes were gone blind,

when the following of darkness commenced.

You knew I loved you.

So what more did you want from me?

leaning to the wall,

I stare at a glass of water,

wanting to be lost, just lost.

Oh. How was it so easy?

I once loved your grace.

You once loved this heart.

So just answer once.

where did the love that you once had inside go?

You know I love you.

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