-Chapter 2 PT.1-

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"Okay Izuku do you know how to use your quirk. Your father sent me a email explaining what it is! Your quite lucky having two quirks!," Laser Girl said.

"Yeah! My dad was really happy too. I am pretty sure I get how to use my quirk," Izuku stated proudly.

"Okay how about you try to start that punching bag on fire from right where you are. This is just a start!," Laser Girl explained to Izuku.

"Okay!," Izuku was pumped up! She stared to focus on the punching bag. Her face looked as if she was constipated. Boom! The punching bag exploded from the sudden heat. Izuku was a natural at using her quirk.

"Woah! That's one awesome quirk Izuku! You think you can do it with your eyes closed? Awe probably not because you have to see the item! Oh I can not wait for you to use your air bending! We could spar all day long! I am so-!," Ms. Laser Girl was so happy she didn't notice Endeavor and Dragon Breathe.

"Ehem," Endeavor said.

Izuku knew who Endeavor was so she looked at him in fear. He only cared about overcoming All Might like Izukus dad.

"H-Hello!," Izuku managed to get out.

"This is your kid then? Your lucky you first one had the talent to beat that hero," Endeavor was happy that his son could have someone to fight against.

"Izuku this is Shoto Todoroki. You will be training with him," Dragon breathe explained to Izuku.

"Hello Izuku. I am Shoto Todoroki," Young unscarred Shoto greeted, "I believe I am going to train with you until we make it to UA high school."

"Woah... He speaks like a adult does.. I wonder how he does it!," Izuku thought to herself.

"H-Hi I'm the Izuku! I mean I am Izuku! It would- will- IS! A honor to work with you Shoto!," Izuku struggled to say.

After that Izuku and Shoto trained of the rest of the day.

"Hey! You need to keep trying if you can't control your fire of yours soon you will be training all night!." Endeavor told both Izuku and Shoto.

"I-it burns... b-bad...," Izuku tried to persuade Endeavor for a small break.

"Please Endeavor! Let him have a break," Shoto asked.

"Just use your Air bending if you need a Break!," Endeavor demanded.

After that Izuku and Shoto worked until they passed out.

"How did my son do?," Dragon breathe asked Endeavor.

"He's weak. But, so is Shoto. I look forward working with you Mr. Villain.," Endeavor told Hisashi.

"Awe... I'm honored to know that even so you found out the hard way but you will still work with me, who you call 'Mr. Villain'," Hisashi joked.

The next morning Izuku and Shoto woke up on the floor of the training room to the smell of bacon and eggs.

"Good Moring fellas its me Laser Girl! I made food after you eat I'm going to teacher you the Alphabet and how to count!," Laser Girl said happily while setting the food on the floor next to them.

"I still feel sick from yesterday.. Why is you dad so mean.. Shoto?," Izuku asked Shoto.

"I am sorry... I don't like my dad! Your dad seems mean too..," Shoto feeling bad for Izuku.

"Hey I have a Idea! Why don't you and I become siblings.. I don't have any siblings so I would like if you were my brother!," Izuku asked wanting a brother.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2020 ⏰

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