"Wow, feeling the pressure? You know what I do when it happens to me? I do something just for me, like this weekend DJ Live Ratz is spinning." Mark bragged.

"No way, you got tickets for that? I thought it sold out." Spyder admitted in disbelief as he was a fan of the popular DJ.

"Dude, I'm Mark Walker." Mark said like it was obvious before calling someone on his phone. "Dane! Hey, you get extra tickets to DJ Live Ratz?" The team could hear Dane start to die of laughter over the phone and were trying to hold in their own laughs.

"I bet you, Mark didn't get the tickets." Natalie whispered into Hana's ear.

"I bet the same thing." Hana whispered back and both girls nodded in agreement with smirks.

"Dude, why are you laughing?" Mark asked in confusion before leaving the room.

"Hey, Mark might be right about the pressure. You should do something fun. Weren't you gonna sign up for this skate competition?" Harris asked.

"Yeah but after all the monsters and the conspiracy, it's kinda hard." Ryan pointed out.

"Look, we all do things to relax. Mark hangs out. I invent." Harris started to explain.

"Natalie likes to play videos games and I like to smash Spyder's stuff with a hammer. There's nothing more satisfying than destroying Spyder's happiness." Hana said happily and everyone gave her a look.

"And I plan weddings. Terrible, terrible, weddings." Spyder confessed sadly before his eyes widened at the mention of Hana destroying his belongings. "Wait a second, were you the one that destroyed my games controller?"

"Maybe I did or maybe I didn't, you got any proof?" Hana asked in a taunting tone.

"Nope." Spyder quickly denied.

"Then I didn't do it." Hana stuck her tongue out at the boy and Spyder replied with the same action out of spite. Both friends were met with a slap from Natalie as she wanted them to stop doing that action. She sometimes got fed up with her best friends fighting like kids.

"You skate, so skate, son!" Harris encouraged, changing the subject back.

"Yeah." Ryan happily agreed.

"Alright, if we're gonna do that then we better change. I smell like what Spyder leaves in the toilet after taco Tuesday at school." Hana said and everyone cringed in disgust.

They then walked into another room to change out of their garbage bag dresses, elbow length gloves, goggles, rubber boots and bandannas that reeked with chemicals and whatever was left in the fridge for a week. Both quickly changed into more comfier but still stylish outfits. The two girls then entered the lounge room to see the boys were just helping Ryan with his skateboarding skills.

"Ok, show me that trick again." Ryan asked, taking off his helmet.

"That the trick you wanna do?" Harris asked as Spyder hit play on the video that broadcasted from his phone. The video showcased some guy doing some cool skateboarding trick with ease.

"It's the trick I got to beat. Ok, that's Jimmy Wilson. He's the winner of the Bay City skate off, three years running." Ryan explained.

"Jimmy Wilson, what a basic name. He should have a cooler name like mine." Hana said.

"Yeah but then no one would be able to pronounce it." Natalie pointed out at the struggle that both girls often faced.

"He's good." Spyder complimented.

"I know." Ryan said in agreement.

"I mean like really good." Spyder emphasized.

"I know!" Ryan exclaimed in annoyance.

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