"At least I have friends outside of work." I muttered.

"So Thor!" Called Bruce, changing the subject before I punched Stark in the face. "When is the wedding taking place?"

"Yeah, I want to know when my Best Man's speech has to be ready." Clint smirked.

"It is to be in Asgard. I spoke to my father not two days ago and he decided it would be held in three days time from today." Thor said, enthusiastically. He looked so proud that everyone was going to be there. Except me.

"I can't write a speech in three days! These things take time..." Clint grumbled sarcastically.

Bruce noticed that my smile had shrunk. "What's up?" He whispered to me.

"Hey Thor, that's Saturday isn't it?" I asked.

"I believe so, Lady Fox." He looked at me curiously. "Is there something wrong?"

"Oh, no." I waved off the question. "It's just... I won't be able to come."

"What!?" Clint yelled. God, he's enthusiastic today.

"Why not?" Steve asked a hell of a lot more politely.

"Um, I already have plans and they're kind of, well, important." I looked down at my feet. Thor looked crestfallen.

"What the fuck is more important than going to a god's wedding in motherfucking Asgard!?" Stark roared.

"Look, I'm sorry! I didn't know. And I'm having a family reunion with my only surviving relative that I haven't seen or spoken to since..." I trailed off sadly.

"Still! You're never going to have this opportunity ever again! I'm sure your cousin'll be there when we get back." Stark argued.

I looked away. It's true. I would love to see Asgard, it sounds so perfect compared to here. So different. And seeing something major like the Prince of the Realm getting married would be a perfect way to see how their culture matches up to what the myths say, it would be amazing. It would only ever happen once in every million eons. But so what?

"I made a promise, Tony. And I'm sorry I can't break it for this." I said as strongly as I could, hiding my disappointment.

Thor came up to me. "I understand perfectly."

"Thanks Thor." I grinned weakly.

"Lady Fox, Jane and I shall have another ceremony upon Midgard. Just so you and my brother can be a part of the festivities."

Everyone was looking at Thor, and then back at me.

"What?" I asked slowly.

"My brother is still banished. I tried to reason with father to let him return just for the celebrations, but he flatly refused. He explained that it would be going back on his decree, making allowances when there should be none." He said simply.

Bruce narrowed his eyes and looked at me. Clint eyed me curiously. Steve looked into his glass, watching all the bubbles float to the top.

"Everyone's thinking it, I'm just going to say it." Because you can't keep your thoughts to yourself, can you Stark? "Thor you worded that wrong. And who's going to feed Loki while we're gone?"

"Loki is quite capable of taking care of himself, Stark." Thor scowled. "And please explain how my sentence seemed to mislead you all?"

"You said-" Stark began.

"Enough." Bruce interrupted. "Tony, just shut up. Enough is enough. Stop correcting everyone's grammar, you've been doing it all week. It's annoying. Stop picking on Fox, just because she's new doesn't mean you get to manipulate her into doing anything and everything. You see that face she's making right now?" He pointed at me. "She's trying really hard to be civil and not kill you even though you are being a complete asshole. So stop implying. Or I will let her throw you out the window, making sure you don't have those bracelets on and you will be 'street pizza'."

Witchcraft (An Avengers/Witchblade Fanfic) DISCONTINUEDNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ