SnowFall part 2

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We last left off with our protagonist Rin waking up in strange desert with sand comparable to gold and the sky as clear as the raging water of the sea, the sun looming over all and two giant moons that looked so close you could just about touch them.

Rin: Where in the hell am I?

Rin checks his belly to see if there are any stab wounds.

Rin: What's going on? Did I just imagine all that? I need to find out where I am and ask questions later.

While Rin is trying to make sense of everything, his surroundings change in a flash. Suddenly he was in a battlefield surrounded by things that looked like monsters. Before he could catch his breath, one of them was about to attack Rin.

Rin braced himself looking away...

Slowing turning back around, finding himself back at this unknown location

Rin: What the hell was that???

Rin: It felt so real.

Rin takes a moment to catch his breath

Rin: Well, I'm not going to find answers standing here.

Rin: When in doubt, walk south!!!

(Shows map Rin is walking north)

Rin is filled with determination, hands on his waist.

???: You know that's not a saying right?? That's actually more dangerous, have you ever been to... never mind.

Rin: Huh?

Rin looks back

Different Stanger: Yo!

Rin begins to freak out


Stanger: calm down. (I've never met anyone who has freaked out like that). Are you alright?

Rin: Who are you??

Stanger: Ah, where are my manners, my name is Gabriel. And you are just in time.

Rin: Just in time, what does that mean? Where am I?

Gabriel: Again, calm down.

Gabriel walks towards Rin and taps him on his forehead.

A whole town appears out of nowhere with all the towns people as well. With food stores, taverns, bars, cafes and people in armour.

Rin: Where am I? I've never seen a place like this in real life.

Gabriel clears his throat.


Rin: Purgatory? You mean the place between Heaven and Hell? WAIT, YOU MEAN I'M DEAD?

Gabriel: err yeah sorry about that, I was in charge of telling you.

Rin: This has got to be a joke right? How am I meant to believe a stranger? For all I know you've kidnapped me or this is a prank by Mary. Where is she?

Gabriel sighs and shows Rin his wings.

Surprised, Rin fell on the floor

Rin: So it is true! I really I'm dead.

Gabriel: I know this is hard to process but everyone dies for a reason and you're definitely different from most thou. You where killed using a god artefact which transfers the sins of the welder on to the soul of the victim.

Rin: god artefact, did you make that up?

Gabriel: No of course not, God did.

Gabriel: Now as I was saying, Riders are the guardians of Purgatory and the multi-verse, making sure peace is kept in all worlds. In a group of four, these riders go on mission of all kinds....

Rin cuts him off

Rin: so basically, a guild

Gabriel: (defeated) yes

Gabriel: anyway, let's get you so rest for tomorrow, this tavern is owned by the 'guild name,'

Gabriel: (whispers) and you will most likely join them if you can pass their test.

Sometime later in Nap's tavern. It's late at night and the tavern is full with lively people all drinking and having a good time while jolly music plays in the background

Gabriel: There you go; that's much better.

Rin: Is it always so lively here?

Gabriel: yeah (Gabriel says smiling with his hands on the back of his head) this is where the riders spend most of their time, if they're not out on a mission. This is also the place where people pick up their mission on that board over there. But for now just enjoy this night, we've got a lot to get through tomorrow.

Rin: Where am I going to be sleeping? Wait... I'm dead do I even need sleep and drinks and food?

Gabriel: Of course, you do! Imagine a world without food or drinks (he says over-dramatically with anime tears flowing down his face) God made these things for a reason. And because you don't have a group yet you will be living alone in an apartment just south from here. Here are the keys.

Rin begins to walk to the exit.

Gabriel: You sure you don't want to stay? I just ordered more drinks

Rin: No thanks, I've had a long day today and I just want to rest.

Gabriel: Suit yourself, see you tomorrow!

Rin finds his apartment and enters his new room.

Rin longingly looks at his room and then falls on to his bed

Rin: same old same old. I'm all alone again.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Jul 11, 2020 ⏰

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